
From delivering meals to providing emotional support, Simply Angels Veterans Outreach has become a vital resource for hundreds of veterans living with disabilities in Virginia. Simply Angels Veterans Outreach, a nonprofit organization that supports disabled and homebound veterans, has been serving six Virginia counties for nearly 40 years.

Founded by veteran Susan Purks, the group began when she helped a severely burned veteran regain his passion for life. Over time, Purks expanded her efforts to assist other disabled veterans, focusing on career plans tailored to their physical and emotional needs.

Andrea Graham said, “The name came about from the clients themselves who often referred to their visitors as ‘Simply Angels.’”

Today, Simply Angels provides services in Hanover, Caroline, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Louisa, and King George counties. The organization has grown from assisting one individual to supporting 300 veterans, with many more on a waiting list. Volunteers deliver food, provide companionship, and assess veterans’ needs, including home repairs, transportation, and crisis intervention. Graham said, “we often respond to emergency situations in the middle of the night if the veteran can’t sleep, has a medical crisis, or simply didn’t make it to the bathroom in time. We build relationships and teach the clients to build relationships and become active in the community again.”

Many clients face barriers to accessing traditional food banks, so the group delivers canned goods and prepared meals directly to veterans’ homes. The drivers are trained in recognizing and dealing with PTSD, emergency mental health crisis care, and protecting the personal information of homebound veterans, who can be easy targets for criminal activity, Graham said.

New clients and those in crisis receive weekly visits, while others are visited monthly. Simply Angels also offers 24/7 support via a dedicated phone line for emergencies or other needs.

Referrals often come from friends, neighbors, firefighters, and social services. Volunteers initially visit veterans with a meal in hand, working to build trust and address their specific needs. If the first visit is refused, Graham said, volunteers will visit again until the meal makes it onto the kitchen table.

“Many [veterans] need food, and all need to know they have not been forgotten and that they matter,” Graham said. “Loneliness, not PTSD, is the major cause of suicide among vets.”

To expand their impact, Simply Angels collaborates with nonprofits, churches, and fraternal organizations. “We never try to duplicate services but love to join forces,” Graham said. They exchange canned goods with local food banks to provide veterans with easier-to-open containers. Churches have also donated kitchens for meal preparations, and fraternal groups have led food drives and provided financial support.

This year, Simply Angels became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, making contributions tax-deductible. Their current project is the annual Christmas meal, which will provide three meals each to 200 veterans. Volunteers are needed to assemble the meals on December 21 at 7 a.m. at Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Spotsylvania.

The group is also seeking long-term volunteers for fundraising, food collection, and specialized roles such as marketing and pet sitting for veterans who are hospitalized. Donations of canned goods, small appliances, and monetary support are welcome. Interested individuals can connect with Simply Angels through their Facebook page.

“We can find a job for anyone,” Graham said, noting the organization is happy to have any and all volunteers. Volunteers can help with fundraising, collecting canned goods, or even shopping thrift stores for crockpots, coffee pots, and other appliances veterans may need.

Graham also said they are looking for volunteers with marketing and media skills, as well as pet sitters to assist when veterans are hospitalized.

The ultimate goal of Simply Angels is to eliminate the waiting list and ensure that all referred veterans receive immediate support. Volunteers, many of whom are former clients, remain unpaid, with all donations going directly to veteran services.

“The biggest thrill for Simply Angels is when clients progress from needing services to becoming volunteers, which has happened on more than one occasion,” Graham added.

Simply Angels can be reached through their Facebook page, which also provides information about volunteers opportunities and contact emails.


Press Release:

Greetings, Prince William: It’s All About a Kid and a Toy! Volunteer Prince William’s program Untrim a Tree which provides holiday gifts for local children in Title I schools is in full swing and accepting donor forms! Many thanks and appreciation to everyone who has signed up to sponsor a child – we have just over 600 children who are still waiting on Santa. It’s not too late to help! Please visit to fill out and submit a donor form to sponsor a child. The whole family can participate, and you’ll feel great being part of a program which helps our vulnerable populations have a Happy Christmas! Questions? Please email ut…

  • Calling All Elves! Volunteer Prince William needs Elf Helpers to help with toy donations for Untrim a Tree December 7-9 at Prince William County Fairgrounds. Duties include greeting donors and assisting with unloading donations from their vehicle, placing senior baskets in their proper area and moving bags of toys from the check-in area to a storage area. Volunteers age 16 and up are needed, volunteers 15 and under are welcome to volunteer with a parent or responsible adult. Be prepared for prolonged standing and lifting of contractor bags which may weigh up to 20 pounds. Put on your elf hat or reindeer antlers and join in the fun! Please visit to register, email jhaw… to learn more.
  • Volunteer Prince William also needs volunteers the morning of December 10 to deliver Senior Baskets and Gift Bags to the two senior centers in Manassas and Woodbridge. Volunteers will meet at the Prince William County Fairgrounds, load up the baskets/bags and transport them to the appropriate senior center. Just a couple of hours will do much to bring joy to a local homebound senior citizen! Please visit to sign up and learn more. Questions? Please email jhaw…
  • If you love helping others learn, we have a wonderful opportunity for you! BEACON for English Language and Literacy has an urgent need for 8-13 volunteers to teach adult ESOL students for their upcoming Winter session which begins December 3. No teaching or language experience is required, and training is provided. Please visit to sign up for an orientation session or contact Seth at 571.428.2524, email smaz…
  • You can make a difference in the life of a child! CASA CIS needs volunteers age 21+ who care about children growing up in a safe, permanent and loving home. The staff will hold their next Virtual Information Session on December 3, 6pm-7pm. Learn how you can help protect abused and neglected children in your community by becoming a volunteer advocate. Please email jpo… or call 703.330.8145 to receive the link to the meeting or to inquire about alternate dates.
  • You can help Manassas City families enjoy a Thanksgiving meal! Light of Life Church is hosting a City of Manassas Friendsgiving Outreach to benefit vulnerable families in the city. The event will be held November 27, beginning at 10am at Metz Middle School, 9950 Wellington Road in Manassas. Volunteers are needed to help set up, serve food, hand out coats/personal hygiene products/diapers, etc. and break down/clean up. It’s a wonderful way to get into the spirit of Thanksgiving by helping our less fortunate neighbors! Please sign up for this meaningful event at
  • Ho Ho Ho! Get into the holiday spirit by volunteering for Santa Lights Manassas on December 6 and the 78th Greater Manassas Christmas Parade December 7 in Old Town Manassas! These events would not be possible without the support of over 300 volunteers which let them spread holiday cheer to the community! Volunteers can still help stage the participants, answer spectator questions and keep everyone safe so they can enjoy the parade and the tree lighting. What better way to enjoy the Christmas holidays? Please visit to sign up and ask any questions.
  • Calling all Rembrandts and Picassos! The City of Manassas Animal Shelter is looking for Volunteer Artists to do some murals on their walls which will brighten up the place for two-legged and four-legged friends alike! Please email animal… or call 703.257.2420 to learn how you can help.
  • The wonderful staff at House of Mercy need volunteer Elves to support their Christmas with Mercy program beginning December 3. Preparation help is needed December 3 thru 6 and again December 9 thru 12. Then, help is needed December 13 and 14 to assist clients with “shopping” for their families. Volunteers age 16+ are welcome, volunteers age 12-15 are welcome to volunteer with a parent or guardian. All sorts of fun jobs are available, and you’ll get into the holiday spirit as you help provide vulnerable families with a wonderful Christmas! Please visit for more information and to register, email kjoh… for more information.
  • The “Power of A Knock” can help a homebound senior get nutritious meals! Meals on Wheels urgently needs volunteers to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens on weekday mornings. Volunteers must pass a criminal and driving record background check. Routes take about 1.5 hours to complete, training is provided. You’ll feel great when you find out how inspiring it is to serve this vulnerable population and make their day! Please visit for more information and forms. Please email tsol… or call 703.792.4583 to learn more.
  • Is your office, club, Scout troop or service group looking for a volunteer opportunity? Streetlight Community Outreach Ministries has opened their hypothermia shelter located at 14716 Potomac Mills Road in Woodbridge and groups are needed to prepare and drop off meals for 30 adult residents through March 30, 2025. Meals are needed each night and should be prepared off-site and dropped off at the shelter between 6:30pm-7pm. Your group will provide comfort for the homeless with a hot, nourishing meal they can enjoy during the cold winter months! Please visit to sign up and get more information, email thermal… or call 571.677.2883 to learn more.
  • If you want to get firsthand experience working directly with the homeless, here’s a perfect opportunity! Streetlight Community Outreach Ministries needs volunteers age 25+ to assist staff at their hypothermia shelter, 14716 Potomac Mills Road, Woodbridge. Two volunteers are needed each evening through March 31, 2025, 6pm-10pm. Duties include assisting with preparing and serving dinner, passing out supplies as needed and light set-up and/or clean-up. You’ll feel great knowing you are providing this vulnerable population with a way to get out of the cold for a hot meal and a warm place to sleep! Please visit to sign up, email gti… for more information.

If you are looking for other opportunities, please don’t forget to call our wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William at 703.369.5292. You can also visit our website at Thanks so much for all you do in our community.


Greetings, Prince William: Happening in 3 weeks – Volunteer Prince William’s Fall Reverse Raffle & Dinner in support of Untrim-A-Tree, October 19, 6:30 p.m. at Prince William County Fairgrounds 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas 20112! Doors open at 6pm, the raffle begins at 7pm. Tickets are $100, and include dinner for 2, two drink tickets per ticket and the opportunity to win prizes leading up to the Grand Prize of $10,000! It’ll be a fun evening of good food, networking, and a chance to win the Grand Prize, all to support a cause which will guarantee vulnerable children in our community have a Merry Christmas on December 25! Tickets can be purchased on our website,

  • Support our veterans by giving the gift of a lift! Our VETS program has an ongoing need for volunteers age 21+ to provide transportation to local veterans and their spouse on weekdays to medical appointments, shopping, etc. If you’re a veteran looking to connect with fellow vets or looking to fill up your day, this is a meaningful experience. Schedules are flexible, and you’ll feel great as you provide a ride, a friendly face and help this population meet their needs! Please visit for details, email [email protected] for more information. . This opportunity is made possible by a grant from Potomac Health Foundation.
  • You can help senior citizens facing food insecurity! ACTS needs dedicated volunteers to deliver boxes of food to homebound seniors and people with disabilities in eastern Prince William County Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.. Volunteers need a valid driver’s license and can use any size vehicle, though a van may be provided if necessary. Boxes can weigh up to 40 pounds. Volunteers typically call or text recipients to notify them that their delivery is on the way. You’ll feel great as you ensure that those who are unable to leave their homes receive the food they need! Note: Client Intake Volunteers are also needed! Duties include assisting clients with booking appointments, registering new clients, and ensuring every client receives the support they need. Familiarity with client intake software and fluency in Spanish is helpful, but not necessary! For more information, please email [email protected].
  • BEACON for English Language and Literacy is recruiting volunteers to teach adult ESOL students! They have an Urgent Need for In-Person Evening Volunteers for the current Fall semester, along with their upcoming Winter session which begins on December 2 (online and morning teaching options are available for the Winter semester). Morning classes meet on Monday and Wednesday 9:30am-11:30am and evening classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday 7pm-9pm. No teaching or language experience is required, and training is provided. To learn more, please sign up for a virtual information session at Info session sign-up or contact Seth at 571.428.2524.
  • The hard-working staff at Boxes of Basics reports they have an URGENT need for short-sleeved shirts for both Boys and Girls since they’re currently providing clothing for over 100 children weekly! Boys’ sizes range from 5 through 16, for Girls’ sizes from size 6 through 16. You can do one of three things to help: 1) Donate gently used, clean clothing; 2) Shop at home on their Amazon wish list:; or 3) Pick up some shirts on your next shopping trip! You’ll feel great as you help vulnerable kids have fresh, clean clothing they can wear to school, playtime, etc.!
  • Brain Injury Services (BIS) has an ongoing need for volunteers to be PALS (Providing a Link for Survivors) for survivors of brain injury. This is a one-to-one friendship program for brain injury survivors; the program connects BIS clients with volunteers who can help them socialize in the community and rebuild social skills through friendship. Once a month outings for coffee, walks, chess, lunch, etc. can help a client get their life back on track following such a traumatic occurrence! Please visit for more information.
  • Do you enjoy supporting live concerts? Clearbrook Center of the Arts located in Lake Ridge needs volunteer Event Stagehands age 18+ to contribute to the smooth running of their events. Jobs include guiding show bands to their designated staging areas, assisting bands with load-in/breakdown and helping with stage setup/breakdown. You get to enjoy some great live music and get Free admission to a future Clearbrook concert of your choice! To view the concert schedule, please visit, visit their SignUp Genius page at to volunteer.
  • Education Majors and Retired Teachers! The Literacy Engagement Action Project (LEAP) at George Mason University is seeking volunteers age 18+ to provide literacy tutoring for students in grades K-5 at Boys & Girls Club in Dumfries and the Community Center in Georgetown South in Manassas. This is a paid internship running through the school year on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Training and materials are provided. Interns must successfully complete a background check. You’ll get excited as you help a child open new worlds through literacy and reading! Please visit to learn how you can get involved.
  • It’s that time again – Historic Manassas, Inc. needs volunteers to support the upcoming Fall Jubilee October 5, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. in Old Town Manassas! Volunteers of any age are welcome, volunteers under age 16 must volunteer with an adult over 18. Duties include setup, keeping trash picked up, helping to monitor Kids Areas and the Stage Area. You’ll have a fun time enjoying all the sights, food, and music of this event while you help to promote the advantages of visiting Old Town! Please visit to sign up.
  • “Farm livin’ is the life for me
” Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District is hosting Farm Field Days October 9 and 10, 8am-1pm at the Prince William County Fairgrounds, 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas 20112. Volunteers are needed to support this event which educates 4th graders about agriculture and farm life. Duties include helping set up, check in volunteers, monitor various agricultural stations, set up/monitor the concession stand and guide student groups from one station to the next. No farm experience is needed! Lunch will be provided to volunteers once the event ends. This should be lots of fun as you help educate students about farm living! Please visit to register. Questions? Please call 571.379.7514 to learn more.

If you are looking for other opportunities, please don’t forget to call our wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William at 703.369.5292. You can also visit our website at Thanks so much for all you do in our community.


Greetings, Prince William: Mark Your Calendars for Volunteer Prince William’s Fall Reverse Raffle & Dinner in support of Untrim-A-Tree, October 19, 6:30pm at Prince William County Fairgrounds 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas 20112. Doors open at 6pm, the raffle begins at 7pm. Your $100 donation includes dinner for 2, two drink tickets per ticket and the opportunity to win prizes leading up to the Grand Prize of $10,000! It should be a fun evening of good food, networking, and a chance to win the Grand Prize, all to support a cause which will guarantee vulnerable children in our community will have a Merry Christmas on December 25! Please email [email protected] for more information.

  • Support our veterans by giving the gift of a lift! Our VETS program has an ongoing need for volunteers age 21+ to provide transportation to local veterans and their spouse on weekdays to medical appointments, shopping, etc. If you’re a veteran looking to connect with fellow vets or looking to fill up your day, this is a meaningful experience. Schedules are flexible, and you’ll feel great as you provide a ride, a friendly face and help this population meet their needs! Please visit for details, email [email protected] for more information. This opportunity is made possible by a grant from Potomac Health Foundation.
  • You can help senior citizens facing food insecurity! ACTS needs dedicated volunteers to deliver boxes of food to homebound seniors and people with disabilities in eastern Prince William County Monday-Thursday, 11am-1pm. Volunteers need a valid driver’s license and can use any size vehicle, though a van may be provided if necessary. Boxes can weigh up to 40 pounds. Volunteers typically call or text recipients to notify them that their delivery is on the way. You’ll feel great as you ensure that those who are unable to leave their homes receive the food they need! Note: Client Intake Volunteers are also needed! Duties include assisting clients with booking appointments, registering new clients, and ensuring every client receives the support they need. Familiarity with client intake software and fluency in Spanish helpful, but not necessary! For more information, please email [email protected].
  • Catholic Charities in Manassas is looking for Fall Semester Interns to support their Migration and Refugee Services which helps newly arrived families find community and support to thrive in the US. Numerous projects need intern support such as outreach, client assistance, database work, newsletter and much more! You’ll have a busy and rewarding semester as you help immigrants successfully navigate the various systems to get settled in the US! Please email [email protected] for more information.
  • Do you enjoy supporting live concerts? Clearbrook Center of the Arts located in Lake Ridge needs volunteer Event Stagehands age 18+ to contribute to the smooth running of their events. Jobs include guiding show bands to their designated staging areas, assisting bands with load-in/breakdown and helping with stage setup/breakdown. You get to enjoy some great live music and get Free admission to a future Clearbrook concert of your choice! To view the concert schedule, please visit, visit their SignUp Genius page at to volunteer. Please email clearbrookce… for more information.
  • Lace up your running shoes – Girls on The Run Northern Virginia is preparing for their Fall season September 23-November 24, and they need Volunteer Coaches age 16+ to coach teams in the greater Prince William community! No experience needed; just a desire to support and encourage the next generation. Must commit to 2-3 hours a week for the season with a few additional hours required for Coach Training and the GOTR NOVA season-ending 5K celebration. Coaches receive all the tools and support they need and find that they get as much out of coaching as they give. You’ll feel awesome as you help young girls gain confidence in themselves and their abilities! Please visit to learn more, email [email protected] for more information.
  • It’s that time again – Historic Manassas, Inc. needs volunteers to support the upcoming Fall Jubilee October 5, 6am-6pm in Old Town Manassas! Volunteers of any age are welcome, volunteers under age 16 must volunteer with an adult over 18. Duties include setup, keeping trash picked up, helping to monitor Kids Areas and the Stage Area. You’ll have a fun time enjoying all the sights, food, and music of this event while you help to promote the advantages of visiting Old Town! Please visit to sign up, email li… to learn more.
  • Are you a fan of gardening? Prince William Conservation Alliance is looking for volunteers to help prepare the wildlife garden at Merrimac Farm, 15014 Deepwood Lane, Nokesville for the winter season on September 21, 9am-12pm. Jobs include pulling trees, removing plants, clearing paths, hanging deer deterrents, taking inventory, and cleaning the very small pond. Please feel free to bring your own tools, especially to cut and remove small trees; tools and gloves will be available for use. This family-friendly event is a wonderful opportunity to support native wildlife, get outside, and welcome the changing of the seasons! Please visit for more information, email alli… to learn more.
  • “Farm livin’ is the life for me
” Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District is hosting Farm Field Days October 9 and 10, 8am-1pm at the Prince William County Fairgrounds, 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas 20112. Volunteers are needed to support this event which educates 4th graders about agriculture and farm life. Duties include helping set up, check in volunteers, monitor various agricultural stations, set up/monitor the concession stand and guide student groups from one station to the next. No farm experience is needed! Lunch will be provided to volunteers once the event ends. This should be lots of fun as you help educate students about farm living! Please visit to register. Questions? Please email [email protected] or call 571.379.7514 to learn more.
  • You can help clean up the Occoquan River! On September 21, 9am-2pm Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition (PWTSC) is conducting its 15th Annual Clean-Up of the Upper Occoquan River from nine different sites along 25+ miles of the Occoquan River. Experienced kayakers, canoeists, Jon boaters, and pontoon boaters are also requested for the on-the-water portion of this conservation effort. Homeowners’ associations, civic associations, and businesses are encouraged to join in this effort. T-shirts and refreshments provided, you’ll feel great knowing you’re helping to beautify an area which provides water for most of eastern Prince William and Fairfax counties! Please visit to sign up, email [email protected] to learn more. Rain Date September 28.
  • Jazz Lovers! Please join the Virginia Women and Family Support Center for an enchanting evening under the stars at Jazz on the Lawn September 21, 4pm-9pm at 14019A Glenkirk Road in Gainesville! Immerse yourself in the soothing melodies of live jazz presented by The Continental Jazz Congress. Relax and unwind as you sip on unlimited wines and indulge in a delicious dinner provided by BJ’s Brewhouse and complemented with a dessert bar. Whether you’re a lover of jazz, looking for a date night or want to unwind in the company of friends and neighbors, this event promises to be a delightful fusion of music, community, and culinary delights! You’ll feel great as you treat yourself to an unforgettable night out and know that 100% of proceeds will go towards housing women and families in need. Please visit for more information and ticket purchase, email [email protected] to learn more.

If you are looking for other opportunities, please don’t forget to call our wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William at 703.369.5292. You can also visit our website at Thanks so much for all you do in our community.


Keep the Park Beautiful hosted a street cleanup on Denver Drive in Manassas Park. Ten volunteers, ranging from 12 to 91 years old, collected over 225 pounds of litter in two hours. Volunteers included Keep the Park Committee members and the Vice Queen of the 2023 Manassas Park Latino Festival.

In addition to typical litter like cans and bottles, unusual items such as a bowling ball and an extensive liquor bottle were found. The cleanup extended to surrounding streets, including W. Rugby Drive and Holden Drive. The next cleanup event will occur on October 14 at Scott Drive Pocket Park.

Good morning Uriah,

Yesterday Keep the Park Beautiful (City of Manassas Park) held a street cleanup of Denver Drive. We have attached a variety of photos.

We had 10 volunteers who for two hours collected at least 225 lbs of litter. Our volunteers included Keep the Park Committee Members, Manassas Park residents (12 years old to 91 years young) and Vice Queen of 2023 Manassas Park Latino Festival.

In addition the cigarette buds, cans, bottles and juice boxes, we collected suitcase, bowling ball, large bottle of liquor and construction debris.

In addition to Denver Drive and surrounding streets, we cleaned up the W. Rugby Drive, behind the homes on Holden Drive.

Our next event is 10 am – 12 pm, Oct. 14, Scott Drive Pocket Park Cleanup.

For info: or email [email protected]

Thank you and please contact me with any questions.

Laura Hampton
Manassas Park City Council

Photo: Prince William County

Prince William County Government employees were urged to leave their regular jobs temporarily and serve food and drinks to guests at a prestigious golf tournament now underway in the county while still being paid their government salary.

The Solheim Cup, an internationally recognized LPGA golf tournament, is taking place now at Robert Trent Jones Golf Course in Gainesville. From September 13 to 15, the event is expected to draw tens of thousands of visitors to the region.

A whistle-blower shared an email from the county government’s top brass encouraging employees to volunteer during their duty days at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club from September 10 to 15, 2024. This arrangement has raised several concerns about using taxpayer resources and the impact on county services.

Volunteer Solicitation and County Response

The county’s email solicitation for volunteers invited employees to sign up for shifts at the tournament, where they will serve food and drinks to attendees. The county did not answer questions about employees serving alcohol, but an attendant at the golf course said alcohol will be available wherever food is served. Volunteers are paid their regular county salary to work at the LPGA event. The communication also highlights that 8% of gross revenues from catering tents and tips will benefit a local charitable organization.

County government spokeswoman Nicole Brown responded to inquiries, stating that the goal is to support the event’s success and promote Prince William County as a prime location for major sporting events. According to Brown, participation in this volunteer program is optional, and volunteer employees will receive regular wages for working at the event.

The Prince William County Government was one of several area non-profit organizations seeking volunteers to serve food and drinks to golf spectators. Organizations like Volunteer Prince William and the Prince William County Parks Foundation recently pleaded for volunteers to help a hired caterer serve food and drink.

Potomac Local News contacted the LPGA for information on the catering services at the tournament and why volunteers are needed to support a catering company. We received no response.

Prince William County Director of Economic Development Christina Winn discussed the broader context of the event’s impact. She noted that the Solheim Cup is expected to attract around 150,000 spectators and generate significant economic benefits for the county. However, she admitted that the specific details about the volunteer arrangements and their implications were not fully within her purview.

Winn indicated that the county had attempted to involve various nonprofit organizations to fulfill volunteer needs but faced challenges when those groups could not provide sufficient volunteers. This led to the decision to extend the opportunity to county employees.
The Solheim Cup, run by the for-profit LPGA, will benefit from the taxpayer-funded labor. The tournament’s entry fees range from $65 to $515 daily.

Prince William County has added nearly 500 full-time employees since 2020, and the county’s budget has consistently increased. Meanwhile, the potential liability for any injuries sustained by county employees while volunteering, whether on-site or en route, remains unclear. While the county will compensate employees for their work at the event, including overtime, the broader implications for employee safety and county liability remain in question.

There are concerns about diminished services for residents as county employees work the event instead of the jobs for which the county hired them. The high ticket prices and parking fees for the Solheim Cup limit access for many county residents, raising questions about the tangible benefits that the county will receive from putting so much effort into the event.

Event literature recommends that those traveling stay at hotels in Fauquier and Loudoun counties. Winn said, “The county simply does not have enough hotel rooms.”

On Friday, the LGPA issued an apology for failing to provide adequate shuttle bus transportation from Jiffy Lube Live to the tournament.

Public Transparency and Accountability

The conversation around this initiative highlights a broader issue of public transparency and accountability in allocating taxpayer resources. Winn says the event is “expected to inject $60 million into the economy,” but her numbers include the broader Northern Virginia, as tax revenue from hotels and airports outside the county stays within the county the business is in does not trickle down to Prince William County.

Winn acknowledged that the decision to involve county employees was made with positive intentions, aimed at supporting a high-profile event and showcasing Prince William County on a global stage. However, she admitted that the details of the arrangement and its broader implications need further clarification.

The Solheim Cup at Robert Trent Jones Golf Course 1 Turtle Point Dr, Gainesville, VA 20155 runs through Sunday September 15. Tickets can be purchased at


Greetings, Prince William: Mark Your Calendars for Volunteer Prince William’s Fall Reverse Raffle & Dinner in support of Untrim-A-Tree on October 19, 6:30 p.m., at Prince William County Fairgrounds, 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas 20112. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the raffle begins at 7 p.m.

Your $100 donation includes dinner for two, two drink tickets per ticket, and the opportunity to win prizes leading up to the Grand Prize of $10,000! It should be a fun evening of good food, networking, and a chance to win the Grand Prize, all to support a cause that will guarantee vulnerable children in our community a Merry Christmas on December 25! Please email [email protected] for more information.

· Support our veterans by giving them the gift of a lift! Our VETS program has an ongoing need for volunteers age 21+ to provide transportation to local veterans and their spouse on weekdays to medical appointments, shopping, etc. Whether you’re a veteran looking to connect with fellow vets or fill up your day, this experience is meaningful. Schedules are flexible, and you’ll feel great as you provide a ride and a friendly face and help this population meet their needs! Please visit for details, and email [email protected] for more information. This opportunity is made possible by a grant from the Potomac Health Foundation.

· You can help senior citizens facing food insecurity! ACTS needs dedicated volunteers to deliver food boxes to homebound seniors and people with disabilities in eastern Prince William County Monday-Thursday, 11 am-1 pm. Volunteers need a valid driver’s license and can use any size vehicle, though a van may be provided if necessary. Boxes can weigh up to 40 pounds. Volunteers typically call or text recipients to notify them that their delivery is on the way. You’ll feel great as you ensure that those who cannot leave their homes receive the food they need! Note: Client Intake Volunteers are also needed! Duties include assisting clients with booking appointments, registering new clients, and ensuring every client receives the support they need. Familiarity with client intake software and fluency in Spanish helpful, but not necessary! For more information, please email [email protected].

· If you’re passionate about helping others learn, BEACON wants to meet you! They’re seeking enthusiastic volunteers age 18+ to lead their Fall 2024 Learning Circles! No teaching experience is required, just a passion for fostering community and facilitating conversations with adult ESOL learners. Learning Circles meet virtually Tuesdays 7pm-8:30pm Sep. 17-Oct. 29 via Zoom. Be a part of the Epic English Journey and help make a meaningful impact in your community! To learn more, please sign up for a virtual information session at or email [email protected].

· You can make a difference in the life of a child! CASA Children’s Intervention Services needs volunteers age 21+ who care about children growing up in a safe, permanent, and loving home. The staff will hold their next Virtual Information Session on September 11, 6 pm-7 pm. Learn how you can help protect abused and neglected children in your community by becoming a volunteer advocate. Please email [email protected] or call 703.330.8145 to receive the meeting link or inquire about alternate dates.

· Catholic Charities in Manassas is looking for Fall Semester Interns to support their Migration and Refugee Services, which helps newly arrived families find community and support to thrive in the US. Numerous projects need intern support, such as outreach, client assistance, database work, newsletters, and much more! You’ll have a busy and rewarding semester as you help immigrants successfully navigate the various systems to settle in the US! Please email [email protected] for more information.

· Lace up your running shoes – Girls on Run Northern Virginia is preparing for their Fall season, September 23-November 24, and they need Volunteer Coaches age 16+ to coach teams in the greater Prince William community! No experience needed; just a desire to support and encourage the next generation. Must commit to 2-3 hours a week for the season with a few additional hours required for Coach Training and the GOTR NOVA season-ending 5K celebration. Coaches receive all the tools and support they need and find that they get as much out of coaching as they give. You’ll feel awesome as you help young girls gain confidence in themselves and their abilities! Please visit to learn more; email [email protected] for more information.

· “Farm livin’ is the life for me
” Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District is hosting Farm Field Days on October 9 and 10, 8 am-1 pm at the Prince William County Fairgrounds, 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas 20112. Volunteers are needed to support this event, which educates 4th graders about agriculture and farm life. My duties included helping set up, checking in volunteers, monitoring various agricultural stations, setting up/monitoring the concession stand, and guiding student groups from one station to the next. No farm experience is needed! Lunch will be provided to volunteers once the event ends. This should be fun as you help educate students about farm living! Please visit to register. Questions? Please email [email protected] or call 571.379.7514 to learn more.

· You can help clean up the Occoquan River! On September 21, 9 am-2 pm, Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition (PWTSC) is conducting its 15th Annual Clean-Up of the Upper Occoquan River from nine different sites along 25+ miles of the Occoquan River. Experienced kayakers, canoeists, Jon boaters, and pontoon boaters are also requested for the on-the-water portion of this conservation effort. Homeowners’ associations, civic associations, and businesses are encouraged to join in this effort. T-shirts and refreshments will provided; you’ll feel great knowing you’re helping to beautify an area that provides water for most of eastern Prince William and Fairfax counties! Please visit to sign up, and email [email protected] to learn more. Rain Date September 28.

· Jazz Lovers! Please join the Virginia Women and Family Support Center for an enchanting evening under the stars at Jazz on the Lawn on September 21, 4 pm-9 pm at 14019A Glenkirk Road in Gainesville! Immerse yourself in the soothing melodies of live jazz presented by The Continental Jazz Congress. Relax and unwind as you sip on unlimited wines and indulge in a delicious dinner provided by BJ’s Brewhouse and complemented by a dessert bar. Whether you’re a lover of jazz, looking for a date night or want to unwind in the company of friends and neighbors, this event promises to be a delightful fusion of music, community, and culinary delights! You’ll feel great as you treat yourself to an unforgettable night out and know that 100% of the proceeds will go towards housing women and needy families. Please visit for more information and ticket purchase; email [email protected] to learn more.

If you are looking for other opportunities, please don’t forget to call our wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William at 703.369.5292. You can also visit our website at Thanks so much for all you do in our community.


Habitat for Humanity in Prince William County, under the interim leadership of Steve Liga, is recalibrating its mission to tackle the unique challenges of expensive real estate and a community need for home repairs rather than new builds.

Liga, who stepped in as the interim director, detailed how his experience with other nonprofits led him to this role. He explained his immediate focus on stabilizing the organization’s financial footing and reconnecting with the community after a slow period exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.


According to Liga, “We should be doing a lot more.” He emphasized the need for Habitat to complete at least one new home every three years to maintain good standing with Habitat International. Currently, the nonprofit holds properties that have been undeveloped for years, which Liga is promptly addressing. “One of the first things I did was come in and say, ‘Let’s look at these two,'” Liga noted, specifying plans to have families move into homes on the properties.

The shift comes as the organization seeks to reinvigorate its involvement in local projects, particularly following a slowdown during the coronavirus pandemic. Liga outlined the organization’s plans to boost the number of home repair projects, emphasizing the critical need within the community, especially among the elderly and those on fixed incomes. “We got months’ worth of backlog of people who’ve applied and need help,” Liga said.

Habitat for Humanity aims to perform critical home repairs weekly and undertake significant projects every quarter. “Every week, we’re out there doing a project,” Liga said. Eligibility for these services is primarily based on income, with priority given to residents earning 60% or below the median area income and those capable of contributing to their repairs, whether through direct participation or other means like volunteering at Habitat’s ReStore at 10159 Hastings Drive in Manassas.

Liga also detailed plans for revitalizing the Habitat ReStore operations, which are crucial in funding the organization’s projects. An across-the-board price increase has been implemented to support Habitat’s mission better. While the Habitat ReStore in Manassas has been a success at its current location since 2016, a now-shuttered ReStore location in Woodbridge faced challenges due to the pandemic and strategic missteps. “Instead of doubling [Habitat ReStore’s] clientele as anticipated, they just split it,” Liga remarked.

The store was in an old Food Lion store near Prince William Parkway and Minnieville Road.

Addressing staff concerns at the ReStore, Liga plans to improve benefits to reduce high turnover rates and ensure better customer service through a more stable workforce. “The turnover is high. It’s not a great paying job,” he said, laying out his plan to make staff positions more attractive and stable.

As Habitat for Humanity Prince William County celebrates its 30th anniversary, Liga is clear about the direction forward: focusing on critical home repairs and better leveraging the ReStore to fund these projects. “The 30th-anniversary campaign is building up the donor base, letting them know that when you’re donating, what that’s doing is that’s helping your senior citizen neighbor fix their roof,” Liga stated.

Liga said there will be no significant gala event to celebrate the milestone few nonprofits reach. Instead, the focus will be on direct community impact, with funds raised going straight into local projects.


It’s summer, and while Christmas might be the last thing on your mind, Volunteer Prince William is holding our Christmas in July program to support Untrim a Tree 2024 (UTAT). You can make an online donation now! Last year, we faced a significant drop in toy donations, causing many unsponsored children to face the possibility of Christmas morning without gifts.

Your support allows us to provide these children with a Merry Christmas! If you want to sponsor a child when UTAT goes live this Fall, we’ll be glad to provide you with the name and wish list of a child. Please visit to donate or email [email protected] for more information. You can also purchase toys now for UTAT by visiting our Amazon wish list. On behalf of the kids you’ll be helping, thank you for your support!

Support Our Veterans:
Our VETS program has an ongoing need for volunteers aged 21+ to provide transportation to local veterans and their spouses on weekdays for medical appointments, shopping, etc. If you’re a veteran looking to connect with fellow vets or fill up your day, this is a meaningful experience. Schedules are flexible, and you’ll feel great as you provide a ride, a friendly face, and help meet their needs! Please visit for details or email [email protected] for more information.

Teach Adult ESOL Classes:
BEACON for Adult Literacy needs volunteers to teach adult ESOL classes for their 12-week AM/PM in-person and online sessions from August 19 to November 7. No teaching or language experience is required, and training is provided. You’ll feel great as you help students improve their English skills, giving them the confidence to improve their lives! To learn more, please sign up for a virtual information session at or contact Seth Mazzaro at 571-428-2524.

Become a PALS Volunteer:
Brain Injury Services (BIS) needs volunteers to be PALS (Providing a Link for Survivors) for survivors of brain injury. This one-to-one friendship program connects BIS clients with volunteers who can help them socialize in the community and rebuild social skills through friendship. Monthly outings for coffee, walks, chess, lunch, etc., can help a client get their life back on track! Please visit Brain Injury Services for more information or email [email protected] to learn how you can help.

After-School Tutoring and Mentoring:
Educate America, Inc., a nonprofit startup, is seeking volunteers aged 18+ to assist with providing after-school tutoring and mentoring services within five to ten Prince William County Public Schools during the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 school year. Volunteer with Educate America and make a difference in the lives of underserved youth! Volunteers will need to complete background and CPS checks by July 15, 2024. Join them as a volunteer, tutor, mentor, or community partner by completing and submitting the online application form(s) at Questions? Please email [email protected].

Meals on Wheels:
Meals on Wheels has an urgent need for volunteers to deliver noontime meals to homebound older adults on weekdays between 10 am and 12 pm. Daily routes take about 1.5 hours to complete, and the schedule is flexible! Volunteers must have their own vehicle, valid driver’s license, and current automobile insurance. Volunteers must also pass a background and driving record check. Meals on Wheels operates out of the Manassas and Woodbridge Senior Centers. Please visit this link for more information and volunteer forms or email [email protected] with any questions.

Volunteer HR Generalist Needed:
Pink Space Theory, which helps educate underserved youth, is looking for an experienced, remote volunteer HR Generalist to help create a paid Executive Director role for this nonprofit. Details are provided at this link. Please email a resume to [email protected].

Interns for STEAM Education:
If you’re a college student or recent graduate passionate about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education, Pink Space Theory wants to meet you! They’re looking for interns to act as Educational Content Producers, helping this nonprofit bring their STEAM program to life for underserved students for the next school year. The intern would spend 10-20 hours a month, and teaching experience is desirable. Please visit this link for details or email [email protected] to learn more.

Women’s Equality Day Volunteers:
The Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton is looking for volunteers to support their Women’s Equality Day on August 24, from 1 pm to 4 pm. This is a family-friendly opportunity! Duties include helping with “make-and-take” craft tables and staffing informational tables. Please email [email protected] by August 19 to sign up and learn more.

If you are looking for other opportunities, please call our team at Volunteer Prince William at 703.369.5292 or visit our website at Volunteer Prince William Thanks so much for all you do in our community!


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