Rep. Abigail Spanberger will run to become Virginia's 75th Governor in a bid to replace Glenn Youngkin in 2025.
Spanbeger will not seek re-election as the congresswoman for Viriginia's 7th Congressional District, which includes Prince William and Stafford counties. She will wrap up her final term in Congress at the end of 2024.
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Republicans in Virginia came up short in their efforts to retain the House of Delegates and win control of the State Senate.
Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, occupies the governor’s mansion. Democrats will hold the House of Delegates, flipping it from a narrow Republican control, and will hold the State Senate in January 2024.
Democrats celebrated their wins, saying voters don’t want Youngkin’s “MAGA” policies.
Today, the Republican Party of Virginia released a statement noting the losses were disappointing but vowing to continue to fight for conservative principles.
Tuesday’s results are a reflection of a successful campaign of lies, deception, and scare tactics from Virginia Democrats.
Extreme left-wing interest groups brought in massive amounts of dark money dollars to elect politicians who will serve their interests, not the interests of Virginia voters. The left’s money machine poured millions into dishonest TV ads spreading blatant misinformation about Republican candidates and distracting from Democrat radicalism. Despite Republicans raising record sums through grassroots outreach, Democrat elites and liberal special interests rallied to overcome this advantage with high-dollar donations in the final days of the campaign. One thing this election made clear is that Democrats are absolutely beholden to the left-wing donor class and will do anything for campaign cash.
We commend all of our Republican candidates for running hard-fought races and fighting for Virginia values. We look forward to working with those who won to serve our Commonwealth and help advance Governor Youngkin’s common-sense conservative agenda.
Over the next two years, Governor Youngkin and Republicans in the legislature will continue to be a bulwark against Democrat extremism. We will continue to fight for lower taxes, safer streets, and parental rights, and against Democrat attempts to blow out the budget on insane left-wing pipe dreams, infringe on individual liberties, and infuse toxic left-wing ideology in our schools.
We will not allow extremist Virginia Democrats to turn our Commonwealth into a socialist hellscape like California or New York.
The 2024 elections are less than one year away. The fight continues.
“Last year, these three Cedar Fair parks generated quite a buzz when they announced their decision to remain open on weekends during what was formerly their off-season.”
Press release: “[Eileen Filler-Corn, a Democrat] Virginia’s first woman and first Jewish person to serve as Speaker of the House of Delegates today made the following statement announcing her intentions to run in Virginia’s open 10th Congressional District, currently represented by Rep. Jennifer Wexton.”
“First and foremost, I was truly devastated to learn of my friend Jennifer Wexton’s recent diagnosis. Jennifer has served Virginia selflessly both in Richmond and Washington. She is an incredible person and a stalwart representative for her constituents. Her work is improving the lives of so many in our commonwealth and our country. Bob and I are continuing to pray for her and her family.
“I am also continuing to fight relentlessly in these remaining 20 days until November 7th, working arm-in-arm with many thousands of Virginians determined to ensure that Democrats regain the majority in the House of Delegates and keep our Virginia State Senate majority in order to protect and expand our historic progress at the state level.
Wexton said she won’t seek a fourth term in the 10th Congressional District, in western Prince William and Loudoun counties, after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of Parkinson’s Disease.
While still serving in the House of Delegates, fellow Democrats inexplicably removed Filler-Corn from her leadership role as Democratic Leader in 2022. In March 2023, Filler-Corn said she would not seek re-election to the seat, representing portions of Fairfax County.

U.S. Postal Service: “The Postal Service also announced it will not levy any additional surcharges for customers this holiday season, offering increased predictability in pricing for customers. There will be no additional fees for residential area delivery, for Saturday delivery or for minimum volumes. USPS will continue to be the most affordable way to mail and ship this holiday season.”
“Key Investments Ahead of 2023 Peak Season…Specifically, key Delivering for America investments in the Postal Service’s workforce, package processing, and delivery operations ahead of the 2023 peak holiday season include:”
- Hiring 10,000 Season Employees: The Postal Service has focused on its Delivering for America initiative to stabilize its workforce – converting over 150,000 pre-career workers into career positions since October 2020. Due to this success, USPS anticipates the need to hire only an additional 10,000 seasonal employees.
- Utilizing 348 New Package Sorting Machines: These new machines are strategic investments in local community postal infrastructure enabling postal workers to sort and process packages of all sizes more quickly and reliably. To date, the Postal Service has installed 348 new package processing machines across the nation since the beginning of 2021. This includes 100 new sorting machines since last peak season. USPS will install an additional 47 new machines ahead of this holiday season. This is part of the organization’s $40 billion investment in new technology and facilities under Delivering for America.
Press Release: “On Friday, Sept. 15, 2023, the Commonwealth graduated its 139th generation of Virginia State Troopers. The 31 new state troopers were presented their diplomas during commencement exercises at the State Police Training Academy in Chesterfield County. ”
“The new troopers have received more than 1,300 hours of classroom and field instruction in more than 100 different subjects, including de-escalation techniques, strategies to assist people in mental health crisis, ethics and leadership, fair and impartial policing, constitutional law, emergency medical trauma care, and public and community relations. The members of the 139th Basic Session began their 28 weeks of academic, physical and practical training at the Academy Feb. 27, 2023.”
“The graduates of the 139th Basic Session are from every corner of the Commonwealth, as well as Arkansas, Florida, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Saipan. ”
“Upon graduation, the new troopers will report to their individual duty assignments across Virginia the week of Sept. 18, 2023. For their final phase of training, each trooper will spend an additional six weeks paired up with a Field Training Officer learning his or her new patrol area.”
139th basic graduating class: Read More
“While lane closures will be lifted in most locations, motorists may encounter semi-permanent work zones that remain in place during this time. Check VDOT’s Weekly Lane Closures and Travel Advisories for the latest travel alerts in your area and around the state.”
“Additionally, VDOT offers several resources to help plan travel ahead of time. VDOT’s online, interactive travel trends map shows peak congestion periods anticipated on Virginia interstates during the upcoming Labor Day holiday period. While it cannot precisely predict when congestion will occur this year, it can help motorists avoid travel when roads have historically been busiest.”
“Based on the historical traffic data: Heavier congestion is expected throughout the state on Friday and Saturday.”
“In the Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg area it is likely travelers will experience heavy congestion on the interstates from morning through evening on Friday and Saturday.Interstate 95 northbound is expected to be heavily congested between Richmond and Fredericksburg throughout the day on Monday.Heavy congestion is also expected on Interstate 64 in the Hampton Roads area throughout the holiday period.”
“All rush-hour tolls on the I-66 Express Lanes Inside the Beltway will be lifted on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4.”
“Find directional schedules for the reversible I-95 and I-395 Express Lanes, and information for the I-495 Express Lanes at”
“I-64/I-264/I-564 HOV Diamond Lanes and 64 Express Lanes?– HOV restrictions and Express Lanes tolls will be lifted on?Monday, Sept. 4.”
“Travel to Virginia Beach: ?Peninsula traffic to?Virginia Beach is encouraged to use the I-664 Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel (MMMBT) as an alternative to the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT). If traveling to Virginia Beach, take I-664 south to the MMMBT. Then take the Portsmouth/Norfolk exit (exit 15A) to I-264 east to Virginia Beach.”
“Travel to Outer Banks: Traffic?to the North Carolina Outer Banks should use I-664 and the MMMBT as an alternative to the HRBT to save time. From I-664 south, take the Portsmouth/Norfolk exit to I-264 east (exit 15A). Continue on I-264 east through the Downtown Tunnel and take the first exit to I-464 south (exit 8). From I-464, continue south onto the Chesapeake Expressway (Route 168). Continue?south on Route 168 to the Outer Banks.”

Virginia Housing:Â “Today, the Virginia Mortgage Relief Program (VMRP), administered by Virginia Housing, announced that the program is closing to new applicants effective October 1, 2023.”
“The Commonwealth’s federal funding is limited, but VMRP will continue to operate until the program reaches full disbursement of the funds received from the American Rescue Plan Act and the U.S Department of Treasury.”
“Virginia homeowners financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who may benefit from this assistance are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Eligible applications submitted prior to October 1, 2023, will be processed based on remaining funding availability, with applicants at risk of foreclosure taking priority in the process.”
“Since the program launched on January 3, 2021, VMRP has worked with applicants and participating servicers to offer relief to Virginia’s homeowners to avoid default, foreclosure, or displacement.”
“To date, VMRP has assisted over 10,000 households across the Commonwealth and disbursed more than $171 million in assistance to eligible homeowners.”
“‘To the homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage or other homeownership-related expenses during these challenging economic times, VMRP provides valuable support and assistance to help ease the financial strain and keep families in their homes,’ said Malika Mickey, VMRP Manager. ‘We encourage those who have not applied and need assistance to do so now as funds are limited.'”
“Virginia homeowners in need of assistance with past due mortgage and/or other qualified home ownership-related delinquencies can find more information on program eligibility and apply online.”
“Or by contacting the VMRP Call Center at 833-OUR-VMRP (833-687- 8677), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.”
“Homeowners who do not qualify for VMRP and need assistance with their mortgage and other housing-related expenses, should contact a HUD approved housing counselor and/or their mortgage servicer.”

The Center Square: “Virginia’s price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline has risen nearly 30 cents in a month, half of that in just the last week. The American Automobile Association’s daily tracking put the state average at $3.59 on Monday, up from $3.42 a week ago and $3.30 a month ago.”
“The national average is $3.75, AAA says.”