As Prince William County grows, officials highlight the need for new water sources to meet future demand. A primary concern is the expansion of data centers, which have become a significant consumer of water.
Calvin Farr, General Manager of Prince William Water, explained the county’s projected water needs: "We have dynamic hydraulic models we look at, really, to see if we can handle the additional growth. And if we don't, we identify capital needs. At that point, we put that in our master plan for capital needs that, you know, that is needed to supply additional growth."
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At the October 15, 2024, Prince William Board of County Supervisors meeting, pressing housing issues took center stage as the county faces an unprecedented demand for emergency housing assistance and a growing crisis of affordability for senior citizens.
The county’s Emergency Housing Assistance Program received an overwhelming number of applications in just one week, with over 500 households seeking support. Joan Duckett, Director of the Office of Housing, reported that this surge in applications reflects the mounting challenges faced by low-income and at-risk populations, including those threatened with homelessness. This rapid influx underscores the urgency of the housing crisis in Prince William, where increasing rent prices have made stable housing out of reach for many residents.
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Prince William County residents are invited to attend a Multi-District Town Hall on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7 p.m. Supervisors Yesli Vega, Tom Gordy, and Bob Weir of the Coles, Brentsville, and Gainesville districts will lead a discussion on community safety and the proposed Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance.
The event, which will occur at Unity Reed High School near Manassas, is designed to allow residents to voice their concerns, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the proposed ordinance.
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The Prince William County Board of Supervisors has granted Mystikos Armament, LLC a Special Use Permit (SUP).
The permit allows the company to produce firearms within a home-based business in Nokesville. The permit applies to a home on Boley Place within the A-1 Agricultural Zoning District.