A truck full of pumpkins sits below skeletons climbing above Irish Eyes.
RappArts is hosting a pop-up art competition for 5th through 8th graders. Art turned in by 1 p.m. Saturday will be featured in an art gallery at next week’s First Friday; prizes will be awarded.
Fillagreen, Fredericksburg’s new refill station has opened.
The Rappahannock River sits a few inches below the dock at Riverfront Park. The stairs are closed by caution tape due to mud covering the steps.

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Hundreds of players and family filled Willowmere Park’s soccer fields. Stafford Parks & Recreation partners with Stafford Soccer.


Governor Glenn Youngkin, Sentator Tara Durant, District 10 Candidate Hung Cao, Lt. Governor Winsome Sears and District 7 Candidate Derrick Anderson at a rally in Stafford.


The Fredericksburg Area Service League hosted its 7th Annual Rock Lobster Shake and Bake fundraiser at High Mark Brewery, with local band Radar Theory playing. (Photo | Callie Ortiz)


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