
I-95 Northbound and Southbound: Exit 126 (Spotsylvania): Sunday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Single lane closures on both I-95 northbound and southbound starting at 9 p.m. followed by double lane closures at 10 p.m. between mile markers 125-126 for bridge work. All lanes will reopen by 5 a.m. Construction of a new overpass of I-95 at Route 17 (Mills Drive).

I-95 Northbound: Exit 130 (Route 3) to Exit 133 (Falmouth/Warrenton)
Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Alternating lane closures for paving on I-95 northbound in the through travel lanes and local travel lanes between exits 130 (Route 3) in Fredericksburg and exit 133 (Falmouth/Warrenton) in Stafford.

  • Exit 140 (Stafford) to 143 (Aquia/Garrisonville): Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Single lane closure at mile 142 for sign work. 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension project.

I-95 Southbound: Exit 148 (Quantico): Tuesday – Friday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. and Friday – Saturday, 10 p.m. – 7 a.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 147-146 beginning at 9 p.m. followed by a double lane closure at 10 p.m. All lanes reopen by 4:30 a.m. on weekdays. On Friday night, single lane closure only begins at 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. Saturday. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.

  • Exit 140 (Courthouse Road) to Exit 136 (Centreport Parkway): Monday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 139-138. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Exit 136 (Centreport Parkway) to Exit 133 (Falmouth/Warrenton): Monday – Thursday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 135-134. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Monday – Friday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 135-134. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Friday – Saturday, 10 p.m. – 7 a.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 135-134. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Exit 133 (Route 17) Off-Ramp Closure: Monday – Friday, Midnight – 3 a.m. I-95 southbound off-ramp to Route 17 northbound toward Warrenton will close each evening. Signs will guide drivers along the detour route.

City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County: Chatham Bridge (Route 3 Business): Tuesday – Wednesday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Single lane closures on the Chatham Bridge over the Rappahannock River, which carries Route 3 Business traffic between the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County. Routine, scheduled bridge inspection.

Spotsylvania County: Houser Drive Park and Ride Lot: Starting Monday, March 4, the Park and Ride commuter lot on Houser Drive, near the Route 208 (Courthouse Road) intersection, will be closed through Tuesday, March 19, weather permitting, for resurfacing of the lot and the painting of new pavement markings. To find an alternative Park and Ride lot location during the temporary closure, visit the VDOT Park and Ride interactive map.

  • Route 617 (Hams Ford Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Alternating one-way traffic between Morris Road and Ford Road for resurfacing.
  • Route 621 (Orange Plank Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Single lane closure between Route 3 and the Orange County line. Road shoulder repairs. One-way, alternating traffic.
  • Route 645 (Sunset Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Alternating one-way traffic between Morris Road and Hams Ford Road for resurfacing.
  • Route 655 (Ridge Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Alternating one-way traffic between Courthouse Road and Hams Ford Road for resurfacing.
  • I-95 Southbound Exit 126 Off-Ramp and Route 1 Southbound: A second right turn lane is under construction from the I-95 southbound off-ramp at exit 126 onto Route 1 southbound. Route 1 southbound is being widened from the off-ramp to Southpoint Parkway with an additional turn lane. A second right turn lane is being added from Route 1 southbound to Southpoint Parkway. Traffic islands will be installed along Southpoint Parkway as a safety improvement to allow left turns into driveways but restrict through and left-turning traffic exiting from side streets. Additional right turn lane added to Southpoint Parkway to Route 1 southbound. Project completion in Aug. 2025.
  • Route 3 and Orange Plank Road: Utility relocation is underway ahead of construction to modify the intersection of Route 3 and Orange Plank Rd. to a new traffic pattern to enhance safety, improve traffic flow, and reduce conflict points. Project completion in spring 2024.
  • Route 17 (Mills Drive) Overpass Replacement and Widening: Construction started in Dec. 2020 to replace the existing two-lane interstate overpass on Route 17 with a four-lane bridge. Route 17 is being widened to four lanes until just east of the Hospital Boulevard/Germanna Point Drive intersection. A shared-use path, sidewalk, and pedestrian crossing equipment will be added as part of the project. Project completion was scheduled for late Feb. 2024. The project is now anticipated to be completed in May 2024.
  • Route 208 (Courthouse Road) and Hood Drive: Hood Drive is reduced to a single lane between Route 1 and Route 208 (Courthouse Road), carrying only northbound traffic. Southbound traffic should follow the posted detour along Courthouse Road and Route 1 southbound. New right and left turn lanes are under construction at an entrance to a future U.S. Veterans Health Administration outpatient clinic. Additional turn lanes will be built on northbound Hood Drive approaching Courthouse Road. A raised median on Hood Drive will separate northbound and southbound traffic between Courthouse Road and McGowan Drive. Additional sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian crossing equipment will be installed at the intersection. Project completion in July 2024.
  • Route 606 (Mudd Tavern Road) Widening: Mudd Tavern Road is being widened to four lanes between I-95 and Route 1. A new secondary access route, Route 2092, will be built parallel to Mudd Tavern Road, and will connect with South Roxbury Mill Road and Dan Bell Lane. Project completion in May 2025.

Stafford County: Route 1 Southbound: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Single lane closure between Little Forest Church Road and Woodstock Lane. Utility work under permit. This work will be underway at this location on weekdays through early April 2024.

  • Route 17 at Sanford Drive/South Gateway Drive: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Single lane closures at the intersection for construction of curb and median as part of the I-95 Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing.
  • Route 17 Northbound: Sunday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. – 6 a.m. Alternating single lane closures on Route 17 northbound between Short Street and Sanford Drive for construction for construction of curb and median, and installation of traffic signal equipment. Construction for the I-95 Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing.
  • Route 17 Southbound: Sunday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. – 7 a.m. Alternating single lane closures on Route 17 southbound between Short Street and Sanford Drive for construction of curb and median, and installation of traffic signal equipment. Construction for the I-95 Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing.
  • Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Guardrail repair. Single lane closure near the intersection with Route 734 (Eley Road).
  • Route 610 (Garrisonville Road) Westbound: Sunday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Alternating single lane closures on the Route 610 westbound bridge over I-95 for maintenance.
  • Route 616 (Poplar Road) OVERNIGHT DETOUR: Sunday – Thursday, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m. Poplar Road will close to through traffic overnight between Route 627 (Mountain View Road) and Route 648 (Stefaniga Road). Signs will guide motorists along the recommended detour route, which is Mountain View Road and Stefaniga Road. Drainage pipe replacement. Work has been scheduled weather permitting. Access to residential driveways along the closed sections of Poplar Road will be maintained at all times.
  • Route 626 (Leeland Road) over CSX Railroad: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Single lane closure on Leeland Road at the bridge over the CSX railroad, located just north of the Virginia Railway Express Leeland Road station entrance. One-way, alternating traffic for bridge maintenance.
  • Route 630 (Courthouse Road) Westbound: Monday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Single lane closure. Guardrail removal and installation near Rehoboth Drive intersection.

Virginia Department of Transportation


A stopped train blocks Potomac Avenue in Quantico. [Photo: Mayor Kevin Brown]
Quantico Mayor Kevin Brown is still pushing for more than one way in and out of his tiny town — the only one in the U.S. located within the confines of a military base.

Brown says the town took to Facebook on Saturday, Feb. 10, to express its frustration. The town posted a photo of a train stopped on the tracks, blocking Potomac Avenue, the town’s entrance.

“Lives are being put at risk due to the closure of the Broadway Street Gate (Gate 3) and lack of access to the Martin Street underpass. Unsat. Not Semper Fidelis. RR blocked for over 30 mins,” a town staffer posted on Facebook.

Since the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani on Jan. 2, 2020, access to the town has been restricted to only those who live and work in the town. Last year, Potomac Local told you Quantico town officials had asked their neighbors on Quantico Marines Corps Base to reopen multiple streets that were closed after Solemani’s death; the Marine Corps ratcheted up security and required everyone entering the base to have a military ID or get special clearance.

Drivers must pass through the base to get to the town, which predates the base’s 1917 opening.

Brown told Potomac Local the town has not received a response from the Marines since posting to Facebook last weekend. Multiple requests for comment about this issue since the town made its post have also gone unanswered.

Potomac Avenue is the town’s main entrance and exit. It is a street with a view of the river that shares its name, and most town shops are on it.

Brown said he’s also trying to rally federal help from Senator Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Rep. Abigail Spanberger, the town’s congresswoman.

The railroad track at the town’s entrance carries Amtrak, Virginia Railway Express, and freight trains. The base is putting the finishing touches on improvements to the passenger train station.

Brown told Potomac Local last year that when trains stop on the tracks for extended periods, that spells problems for residents, preventing them from leaving. Brown said stalled trains also prevent emergency vehicles from entering to render aid promptly.

Before the restrictions, drivers could also enter the town on Broadway Street or use a railroad underpass on Martin Street.

Last year, base spokesman Capt. Michael Curtis told us Base Commander Col. Michael L. Brooks continues to work with the town and federal officials to ensure access to the town. While it’s not like it used to be before 2020 when civilians could show a Virginia license at the main gate and drive to town, the Marine Corps is working on a solution to fit the needs of residents and Marines.

About 600 people live in Quantico town.

Photo: The National Museum of the Marine Corps Facebook page

National Museum of the Marine Corps: “The National Museum of the Marine Corps (NMMC) welcomed the 7 millionth visitor when Timothy Kapp, Jr of Youngsville, North Carolina, crossed the threshold on November 10, 2023.”

“Kapp, a Marine veteran with 12 years of service, and his wife, Kelli, traveled to the Museum for the Marine Corps birthday ceremony but traffic delayed their arrival. This is the first time they’ve been thankful for traffic jams, according to Kapp.”

“Museum Acting Director David Vickers gave Kapp a surprise ‘behind the scenes’ look at the coming galleries, which tell Marine Corps history from 1976 to 2016. The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation presented Kapp with a gift bag containing NMMC and Marine Corps memorabilia and a certificate for a memorial brick honoring Kapp as the 7 millionth visitor.”

“The NMMC opened its doors on November 10, 2006, the 231st birthday of the Marine Corps. Since that day, an average of nearly 412,000 visitors per year have experienced the history of the Corps.”

“Many visitors are veterans who experienced the history first-hand. Thousands of students visit each year as well, gaining insight into the past in order to successfully lead in the future. Many young Marines were inspired to join simply because they visited this beautiful monument–a testament to the honor, courage, commitment and sacrifice that epitomizes the United States Marine Corps.”


The annual Wreaths Across America event will happen tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023, at the National Memorial Cemetery at Quantico (formerly Quantico National Cemetery).

The event begins at 9 a.m. with a welcome ceremony. Volunteers lay wreaths at gravesites to honor veterans. Traffic into the cemetery backs up due to the number of participants, so go early if you plan to attend.

What began 30+ years ago as a pilgrimage by a Maine wreath maker in a single truck to deliver 5,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery as a gesture of thanks has become a year-long mission to Remember, Honor, Teach. National Wreaths Across America Day ceremonies are happening at more than 4,000 participating locations across the country on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023. These events are free and open to all people.

Makapu’u Lighthouse

Young Marines: “Two Young Marines units from the area were among 28 Young Marines units throughout the United States who traveled to Hawaii this past week to participate in the remembrance ceremonies of the 82nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor.”

“The Young Marines is a national youth organization for boys and girls from age eight through high school graduation.”

The Quantico Young Marines of Quantico and the LCpl Caleb John Power Young Marines of Fredericksburg joined hundreds of Young Marines who performed community service activities while in Oahu, Hawaii.”

They met, greeted, and escorted World War II Veterans at various events.
Among the events in which the two units participated were:

  • Community service work on the M?lama Pu’uloa Community Project at Kapapapuhi Point Park.
  • Wreath laying ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific ‘The Punchbowl’ in memory of all the brave men and women who are interred at the site.
  • Klipper Ceremony, Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
  • Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade, Honolulu.

“A significant honor for all the Young Marine units was to lead the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade, on Thursday, December 7, in Honolulu. Young Marines performed a color guard and carried the banners of the 12 capital ships that were attacked.”

“The parade’s objective is to honor the heroes and survivors of Pearl Harbor and World War II, to pay tribute to veterans, active-duty military members and military families, to celebrate freedom, and to keep in remembrance the events of Sunday, December 7, 1941.”

“All Young Marines units raised funds at the local level to supplement the costs of traveling to Hawaii.”


Marine Corps Heritage Foundation: “The National Museum of the Marine Corps is hosting a series of events to celebrate the holiday season.”

“Admission to the Museum and parking are free, and all events are open to the general public. The full list of events can be found online.”

“Holiday Film Series: The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation’s annual holiday film series continues in 2023 with four movies showing on the Museum’s Medal of Honor Theater giant screen throughout December.”

You can find the theater at 1775 Semper Fidelis Way, Triangle.

“Tickets are $8 each and can be purchased online. Moviegoers can add a snack bundle to enjoy during the show. Showings are on Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.”

  • December 9-10: Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018)
  • December 16-17: Home Alone
  • December 23-24: A Year Without a Santa Claus

“Cookies, Cocoa, and Crafts: Create holiday memories at the National Museum of the Marine Corps on Dec. 9. From 12-3 p.m., kids can enjoy free cookies and cocoa while creating a holiday themed picture frame on the second floor of the Museum. While supplies last.”

“Santa Claus Visits: Santa Claus is paying a visit to the Museum on December 9 and 12 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Families can meet Santa and take photos with him. To ensure a photo with Santa, families must be in line by 3:00 p.m. and bring their own camera.”


MCCS Quantico: “Free Stand-Up Comedy Show with Special Guest Jimmy McCartney. Jimmy has a huge TikTok following with over 33 million views and is currently touring the East Coast.”

The show will take place at The Clubs at Quantico, Marathon Room, 3017 Russell Road, Quantico.

“His past tours have included multiple military installations including: Fort Liberty, Marine Air Station New River and Marine Air Station Cherry Point and now featured at Quantico. To check Jimmy out, view his performance from one of his shows and register on Eventbrite. This is an 90-minute adult show, 18+ years and older.”

“Get there early to meet Jimmy and enjoy light hors d’oeuvres from 4 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. Open to all Active Duty, DoD cardholders, Retirees, and Reservist.”

McCartney is based in Florida and tours the U.S. Learn more about McCartney on his website.


Marine Corps Marathon Organization: “Jonathan Ladson of Woodbridge, age 32, defended his championship as the Turkey Trot overall winner on Saturday, November 18. He finished first of 923 runners in this morning’s Turkey Trot 10K, presented by Dick’s Sporting Goods and Tour Stafford, aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico.”

“Ladson crossed the finish line first with a time of 33:31, besting last year’s time by 27 seconds. His inspiration came from his daughter, who overcame a health scare in September which almost took her life.”

“About another 200 participants took on the Turkey Trot Mile, which was open to all ages. Unofficial results are available online.”

“All participants received a unique Thanksgiving Turkey Trot shirt and medal. Top finishers and age-award winners received frozen Thanksgiving turkeys or pies provided by Wegmans.”

“The Turkey Trot 10K and Mile is part of the MCM Event Series hosted by the Marine Corps Marathon Organization. The MCM Event Series features a variety of distances and fun challenges on or near Marine Corps Base Quantico.”


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