Hector Cendejas is running as a write-in candidate for the Manassas Park Governing Body. 
He hopes to fill one of three open council seats.
We sent a questionnaire to Cendejas and all other candidates seeking a seat on the Governing Body. Cendejas’ responses are below: 

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PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas Park residents?

Cendejas: While listening to hundreds of residents in our city, I’ve noted an underlying disconnect between city hall and residents. This disconnect translates into deeper frustration with other issues.
I am committed to making sure our residents are fully engaged, because we as residents deal with these issues every day and know the best solutions. City finances and the budget are also recurrent issues of importance for residents. We need to make sure our education system is properly funded, prioritize bringing commerce into our city, and prevent backwards development-planning which further exacerbates transportation issues for Manassas Park.
Cost of living is also a challenge for many, due to high taxes and water bills. We need to prevent any tax increases and find a solution to MP’s long-standing high water costs. This will allow us to maintain long-term residents in the city and attract more businesses.

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Cendejas: In order to empower and engage residents in local decision-making, we need to be creative in our approach. We need to be interactive with our community by having meetings in their neighborhoods and creating Neighborhood Advisory Teams (or Commissions) to maintain constant dialogue.
We also need to use our technology more effectively to engage everyone. For example, it’d be great to have a city app sometime in the future for regular updates and hear from residents more easily. We need to be transparent and accountable to residents.
We should explore options that may include refinancing our debt and developing a business plan. This business plan could include incentives for Manassas Park residents willing to invest in the city as business owners and working with corporations in neighboring cities to explore the potential of expansion into Manassas Park.
I would host a town hall focused on commerce to bring together residents and businesses to begin developing strong ties between potential consumers and vendors. We also need to prevent residential developments that would make transportation issues worse. This negatively affects workers in our city too.
I also want to get creative in finding funds to cover smaller projects. High taxes and water bills have been two of the most recurrent issues I’ve heard affecting cost of living for residents. We need to be transparent with residents about how we are using taxes in our city.
People want to see where their money is going to be sure their taxes are being used wisely and effectively. We also need to take steps to have a fair rate for the water bill. It is important to be transparent with residents about why the rate is higher than local jurisdictions and work toward a lower rate.
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

Cendejas: As a council member, my job will be to be the voice of all residents in Manassas Park. A big part of this job will be listening and constantly working to find all options to address our issues. With all options on the table, I will work with residents to make the best decisions. I also believe the job description includes being transparent and being accountable to residents in the city.

PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

My professional and academic training have given me the tools to be an effective council member. My masters in Social Work included preparation in Community Organization and Administration.
This preparation included training in planning and managing budgets. My time with MPCS also taught me a lot about the importance of strong collaboration with our schools. We can work with MPCS and local stakeholders to develop nontraditional and apprentice-style programs for youth, foster community engagement in local politics and become stronger.
I also have a lot of experience in promoting civic engagement. As a fellow for a member of Congress, I focused on bringing the community together to help address issues that directly affected the constituents. The member of Congress held quarterly town halls and also created a group of residents from different fields who would discuss what was important in the community. I plan to implement a similar structure with residents who will provide regular input to city officials.
PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of town government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Cendejas: I feel citizens in our city definitely know the issues affecting us; they face them every day. I also believe they know best what we should be doing about these issues. Where I think the disconnect exists is getting to the how they can make their voices heard. It’s up to city officials to seek voices and opinions beyond election time. My goal is to increase transparency and make sure residents are at the table.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?

Cendejas: This is the first role I am seeking in public life. I know there will be a learning curve and I will have to adapt quickly, but I am more than capable of making this happen. If I make a mistake, I can promise to learn from my mistake and always work to be better.

PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?

Cendejas: Your readers should vote for me because my goal is to make sure our residents are part of the decision-making in our city. We are at a crossroads right now. We can either maintain the lack of communication between residents and leaders that is apparent in the city, or we can move forward with transparency, inclusion and decision-making by all, for all.

My experiences as a local employee have given me the opportunity to more deeply understand the issues in our city and develop relationships with people, who I know will be greats assets to help us moving forward. Now, as a social worker, I am empowering those I serve by working with them to understand problems affecting them, and together find the best solutions. I will also bring these skills to our city as council member.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.

Manassas residents will head to the polls November 8, 2016, to vote for a new City Treasurer.
Current City Treasurer Robin Perkins served in the position for the past 18 years and decided not to seek reelection.
Russell T. Harrison is the Republican on the ballot, and Patricia Richie-Folks is his Democratic opponent. 
We sent a questionnaire to Harrison and Richie-Folks. Harrison’s responses are below: 

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We sent a questionnaire to Harrison. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas residents?

Harrison: The Top three challenges for our City Treasurer are: Maintaining a professional staff within the Treasurer’s office, protecting the City’s stellar reputation for fiscal competence, and making the office accessible to all citizens.

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Harrison: As treasurer, I will ensure that the treasurer’s office continues to be staffed by the most professional, well-trained and skilled people possible. Additionally, we will be utilizing the City’s new accounting system (which should be in place by early January) to make paying your bills easier, more secure and more transparent. Doing so will save the city money while improving the already high level of service provided by the Treasurer’s Office.
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

Harrison: The City Treasurer is a full-time senior staff person within the City government. He/she is responsible for leading the Treasurer’s Office, overseeing the collection of almost all revenue owed to the city, ensuring that collected funds are accounted for properly, and then monitoring the City’s financial assets. It is one of the most difficult jobs in the Manassas government, requiring leadership, diplomacy, a mastery of financial law, discretion and hard work.

PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

In addition to the leadership role I have played in the City, I bring 20 years of experience working for nonprofits in Washington. Thirteen of those years have been spent working for the world’s largest technical society, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). I currently run IEEE’s Government Relations office, supervise six professionals and directly control a $7 million budget.
I am also a senior staff member within IEEE, helping to run the $450 million global corporation. As part of this work, I have had to build, maintain and lead a high-quality staff of professionals. Moreover, I have directed my department to set and accomplish our agendas, serve our members and promote the objectives of the IEEE.
I have developed and managed multi-million dollar budgets, been entrusted with significant financial authority, become an expert in budget policy, and demonstrated a mastery of accounting and financial management principles. I have, in short, the education, experience, and record Manassas needs from its Treasurer.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Harrison: The Treasurer’s Office, like most parts of our government, remains mostly invisible. To the few citizens give the office much thought beyond tax day. But in a Democracy, citizens should play an active role in their government and should be at least familiar with how it operates.
I intend, as Treasurer, to continue to be a vocal and visible leader in Manassas. It is important that our citizens know who I am, and feel comfortable speaking to me if there are problems. Our City has not grown so big that Citizens can’t feel comfortable speaking with their elected leaders.

By getting out of my office and engaging the community on your terms, I will give you every opportunity to get to know me, and by extension, my office. I have used this approach effectively at my current job, where I represent 200,000 technology professionals across the U.S.

Rather than just sit in my office blasting our emails, I have personally visited over 220 of our sections across the country for the purpose of ensuring that our member knows who is running their association. You just can’t establish the level of trust needed for a thriving organization without meeting face-to-face. I have enjoyed these meetings enormously, but am looking forward to my meetings as your Treasurer being much closer to home.

In addition, I currently maintain a strict open-door policy for my staff and members. Anyone who works for me, or for whom I work, is always welcome to drop by my office if they have a problem. I believe in this policy, and will continue it as your Treasurer.

PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?
Harrison: Good question. I think anyone who has ever tried to do anything has made mistakes and those who haven’t tried made a mistake by not trying. To list just one, when I began serving on the Planning Commission, I made the mistake of trying to figure things out on my own. Because I didn’t have as much experience as the rest of the Board, and hadn’t taken Virginia tech’s certification class yet, I was reluctant to ask for help.

I didn’t want to seem unprepared or un-knowledgeable. My reluctance to reveal what I didn’t know made it harder for me to learn, made me less effective for the first several months on the Board, and cost me opportunities to contribute to Manassas.

I think it is natural for people to want to avoid looking foolish, and so to avoid pointing out when they don’t know things. But it is also a lost opportunity.

The Treasurer’s job is very hard, and it requires extensive knowledge of financial, budget, personnel, and tax law. I’ve worked in all of those fields, but am not yet an expert in any.

In my career, I have frequently had to master complicated policy areas quickly, and am good at it. But I can’t do it on my first day. You can be assured that I will be asking for help the first few months I am your Treasurer, especially from our current Treasurer, Robin Perkins, who has already offered to help.

The Treasurer’s job is too important, and difficult, for me to do anything less.

PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Harrison: The citizens of Manassas should vote for me because I am the most experienced and best-prepared candidate. City Treasurer is not a job for the faint of heart. It is an intellectually and emotionally difficult job. It requires long hours, attention to detail, mastery of several laws, professionalism and diplomatic tact.

But is isn’t that dissimilar to being Director Government Relation at the world’s largest technical society, which I have done successfully for the past several years. I have the formal training and professional experience to lead our staff, handle our budgets, manage our money and guide our City government into the future. More importantly, I have earned a reputation throughout Manassas for honesty, my work ethic, and integrity. 

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.

Theresa Coates Ellis is running on the Republican ticket for a seat on the Manassas City Council. 
A longtime city resident, this his her first time seeking public office. 
We sent a questionnaire to Coates Ellis, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas City Council. Her responses are below: 

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Manassas Park residents will head to the polls on November 8, 2016, General Election to choose two people to fill two open council seats, and a new mayor.
We sent a questionnaire to Way, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas residents?

Strengthening schools. Create quality jobs and opportunities while supporting local businesses and advancing public image and communication. Keeping neighborhoods safe and clean.

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Ellis: Businesses and community members connecting with the schools will build relationships to improve the challenges that we face in educating our students to be career-ready and college-ready. Strong schools will motivate businesses to invest in the City of Manassas building a foundation for families, better housing, and an inviting living experience. A business-friendly community environment will also encourage the entrepreneurial spirit. Public image and communication are important to the City of Manassas and the areas beyond the city. The City of Manassas has many assets: the airport, the train, utilities, parks and fitness, Civil War history plus a vibrant old town.
Public image and communication are important to the City of Manassas and the areas beyond the city. The City of Manassas has many assets: the airport, the train, utilities, parks and fitness, Civil War history plus a vibrant old town. Curating content from community member’s experiences with a new selected “Public Image Committee” will advance positive awareness.
User-friendly communication tools to improve the access of important community information and an outreach program is necessary.
Police, fire and rescue will be supported for community safety. We need to provide the necessary facilities, equipment, and manpower to continue their duties effectively.
Community members need to respect and be proud of their City of Manassas.
The City and community need to do a better job combatting litter and blight by enforcing laws, rules and codes. Community members can come together to volunteer their services and communicate with the city for action.
Fiscal responsibility will provide the community with the services they desire.
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

The Manassas City Council’s job it to serve the community and provide the services that they desire.
PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

I am a mother with seven children in my blended family who attended public schools. Since 1988, I have owned a City of Manassas business and volunteered in the community. I built my company from a healthcare management business in 1988 to Tackle Management, PR and Marketing.
Because of my experiences as a mother, a community volunteer and a business owner in the City of Manassas, I can offer a new perspective to our community.

I have the education and professional skills in marketing, communication and public relations to engage citizens and bring them together to solve tough problems and move Manassas forward.

I will work with the City to form a Public Image Committee to increase positive awareness and focus on the assets in our City selecting citizens as ambassadors for the community to curate content for an online website to share information.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Ellis: The average citizen is very busy, but some members of the community are active in local government. Increasing communication channels with more face to face interaction and online tools will improve awareness. A scheduled City audio podcast, video podcast, or live feed and a news blog with City updates are tools that would be beneficial.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?
Ellis: I finished my degree at George Mason University a few years ago when I had children in college. I regret not completing my degree at an earlier time in my life.
However, it was worth it in the long run. My degree in Business Communication provided me with updated skills to market and communicate during the era of the new rules of online marketing and public relations that some business owners find challenging.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Ellis: As a mother, experienced business owner and community leader, I have the family, professional and leadership experience necessary to bring our community together for a stronger Manassas.

We have a wonderful City of Manassas with treasures such as our old town charm, top Public Safety teams (Police, Fire and Rescue), a growing Airport, Lake Manassas and more. Our challenges include our schools, traffic, and communication. It will take a united City to solve these problems. Our citizens deserve strong leadership with integrity and vision. I am a fresh perspective who works hard, listens and cares deeply about our community. I have lived and worked in the community for more than 25 years.

I am dedicated, focused and ready to serve as Manassas City Council. 


Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.

Jonathan Way seeks another term on the Manassas City Council.
Over the years, Way has focused on development issues in the city. He’s also made the preservation of a now defunct water tower next to a city fire house a key pet project.
We sent a questionnaire to Way, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 

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Manassas Park residents will head to the polls for the November 8, 2016, General Election to choose two people to fill two open council seats, and a new mayor.
We sent a questionnaire to Way, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas residents?

1. Balanced economic development. 2. Transportation improvement 3. Schools must become a magnet to attract and retain population

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Way: 1. Evaluate the city infrastructure’s ability to absorb projected growth. (water, electricity, sewer) without becoming over-extended. Tailor growth prospects, of which we have many, to infrastructure capability.
2. Advocate in regional bodies for Route 28 expansion and bypass from Godwin Drive to Interstate 66 to help our commuters. Support pending state-sponsored enhanced commuter bus links on I-66. Focus residential development in areas conveniently served by VRE and PRTC.
3. Council fully funds school needs at a per capita level 10-15% higher than neighboring jurisdictions. Operations are controlled by an independently elected School Board. We need to encourage and support them in their mission
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

Council members are elected to serve the entire city so members must have a balanced perspective. Members must be fiscally prudent and socially inclusive of all citizens. Members should have the ability to evaluate ideas, understand cost control, and manage the “business” of being a city.
PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

 Thirty-seven years with one international oil company in a wide variety of managerial and professional positions in the USA and four overseas countries. I understand economics, budgeting, prioritization, and handling conflicting pressures. 15 years serving Manassas in the Planning Commission and City Council. No other candidate even approaches this level of experience.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Way: I believe the average citizen does understand the workings of government, even if he/she doesn’t always agree with the actions. The city has an extensive outreach throughout every department to acquaint citizens with issues and seek their input in the decision process so as to provide fullest practical transparency. Council is looking at expanding real time TV coverage of meetings beyond the Council and the School Board. All meetings are “open” except personnel and business negotiation.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?
Way: Yes. I have learned that those who do not agree with me still have valid positions and ideas which should be considered in reaching decisions. The “my way or the highway” approach should be minimized.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Way: I bring long experience, strong commitment, enthusiasm and a proven record of accomplishments whcih benefit the city and all its citizens.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.

Manassas residents will head to the polls for the November 8, 2016 General Election to choose who should fill three open council seats, and a new mayor.

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We sent a questionnaire to Youlen, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas residents?

Revenue Generation, Infrastructure, and Debt

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Youlen: Quality of Life- Retain public employees through top tier benefit packages with a focus on police and fire. Enforce zoning ordinances, not just in Olde Town, but throughout the entire city.
Local Economy- Attract businesses through local revitalization projects with a goal of attracting companies that provide career type jobs for people. Stop offering incentive packages to “fly by night” businesses that last six months and disappear just to fill vacant commercial space in Old Town. Bring in businesses that people like and want such as eateries, coffee shops, bars, live events ect.
*Editors note: Youlen cited the recently closed Center Street Gourmet as a business that received tax incentives to open in Downtown Manassas. The city refunded the business’ occupancy permit fees after it opened but did not provide a cash grant, said Manassas Economic Development Director Patrick Small.
Vacancy- The city continues to build at record paces without any regard for the capacity it has to deal with the trickle down effect in schools and on roads. We should be filling the massive amount of commercial and residential neighborhoods before building more of the same.
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

City Councilman- Representative of the people of the city of Manassas. I don’t think this question is geared for some boring technical answer so I think a politician should be someone who connects with the people. Not his or her inner circle of politicos and media types, but can relate to people without regard to political party affiliation or what neighborhood they live in. Someone who has compassion for public service, and the dedication to make his or her community a better place.

PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

I have a background in law enforcement, and in today’s political climate I think it can be a much-needed asset to the council. None of the other members or candidates can say this. I’m younger than the average candidate, and I think that makes a huge difference in getting younger voters involved and understanding the political process about our government.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Youlen: No, the vast majority of people from my perspective have very little interest in local politics. A lot could not even name one council member. Social media is an obvious choice when it comes to connecting to the community especially with younger members of the community. I think attending community events such as HOA meetings and community days are advantageous to improving communication.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they effected you?
Youlen: Never held public office.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Youlen: Quite frankly I’m not more of the same. I’m not part of the political club. I offer a fresh perspective on numerous things, not more of the same old business as usual approach to everything. I think people are clamoring for change on both sides, and I am their avenue for that change.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.

Manassas Park residents will head to the polls for the November 8, 2016, General Election to choose who should fill three open council seats, and a vote for a new mayor.
Richard R. Schubert Jr. bills himself as a community activist and familiar face at Governing Body meetings. He is runing as a write-in candidate to fill one of two open seats on the Governing Body.

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We sent a questionnaire to Schubert, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas Park residents?

City debt and expenses, school and services funding, lack of cultural events.

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Schubert: City debt and expenses- I would like to see a Solar Power Study done and implementation of Solar Power to the Community Center to start. Their utilities in the budget last year were $200,000 and that does not include water use. Over five years we could see savings of close to $1 million from my first look at the budget and data by trying this approach if the study shows we can bank enough power to meet the needs of the facility.

Office equipment is currently a $50,000 budget line item and I would change that for the next two years to by special request and approval only. We had many upgrades recently and should be fine without upgrades the next two years in my opinion.

Refinancing current debt is the biggest saving for the stability of Manassas Park and if this is not already done by the time I take office I will push forward to see what can be done with the existing rate we currently pay. I also want to go to all business and create a common media site FB/Twitter to get special events that any local businesses can use to get announcements out to the community.

Schools and Services- The first thing I would apply cost savings dollars toward would be Schools and Services. I would like to lower our tax rate but these priorities have to come first. We have a large Latino community and need to make sure the schools are equipped to handle English Second Language to be successful and strengthen our community.

We also need to look at competing with salaries with other cities and school districts, we lose good people because of a lack of cost of living increases.

Lack of cultural events- The first thing I would like is to have a Multicultural day in the Spring with Rock, Country, Latin, Hip/Hop, and other diverse music groups. I would also want food vendors in the City there to represent our many cultures.

PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

City Council is a job that needs skills to analyze budgets and come up with solution to make revenue and spending as balanced as possible while giving the community the highest consideration in decision making. Being an ear to hear and a voice to speak to concerns of the people must be of the highest priority.

PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

I have been an outspoken leader for the people of Manassas Park, I have lived here 18 years and want a higher standard of living than we have at this time. My skills are organization, creativity, and toughness. Currently I am a Career and Technical Education Instructor at Falls Church Academy and also the Workplace Readiness Skills Collaborative Team Lead. My last job at Inova Fairfax Hospital I was the Senior Pharmacy Technician Manager for four years where I managed and trained technicians.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Schubert: The City website is improving, The Parks and Rec.(Community Center) is doing a good job of that. Governing body needs to have a Facebook site to get out news as well as what they currently do so I would use more social media if and when possible.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they effected you?
Schubert: The mistakes I have made were opportunities that I turned down because I was not ready to take and thus missed chances to make a difference and be more successful.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Schubert: I have been on the Board of Zoning, Social Services Advisory Board, and Parks and Rec. Advisory Committee. I have also spoken at City Council meetings on many occasions to try to make a difference. I have creative ideas and listen to my friends and neighbors to know the problem and have ideas to solve those problems or concerns as they may be.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.


Mehtab Singh Kahlon is running as a write-in candidate for one of two open seats on the Manassas Park Governing Body. 

The Independent is a first-time candidate.

We sent a questionnaire to Kahlon, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 

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PLWhat are the top three major issues facing Manassas Park residents?
Kahlon: More Businesses, Better Schools, Reduce Taxes
PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Kahlon: Bring More Businesses Into the City. More jobs. More tax revenue. Better city image. Reduce water bills. Reduce real estate taxes. Invest more money into schools. Higher teacher salaries. More school buses. Get rid of auto decals.
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

Serve the community and people you represent.

PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

 I been a well-respected member of the Manassas Park Community for over 16 years. I have over 10 years of experience working with government agencies including the Federal Labor Relations Authority, Department of Transportation, and Department of Treasury and has worked closely with Congress for four years.
After earning his MBA degree, I pursued further education in engineering and worked in the software industry for 17 years. I am also a successful small business owner, but my true pride rests in my family that I have encouraged to work hard in all that they do and to be involved in the community.
My wife Karamjit Kahlon has served Manassas Park as a Deputy Treasurer for over 11 years. Additionally, I have raised two children Amolak Singh Kahlon (MPHS Class of 2012-Valedictorian) and Navroop Kahlon (MPHS Class of 2014) who received the entirety of their K-12 educations through the Manassas Park City Schools System.
My vision for Manassas Park is to collaborate with residents in a grassroots capacity to develop solutions for our community’s most pressing issues.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Kahlon: I feel average citizen is informed about and understands the working of local government, but I am planning to increase communication and improve the quality of information shared.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?
Kahlon: We all make mistakes in our life learning experiences, but I can not remember one now.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Kahlon: I am a local resident for almost 16 years.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.

Mike Rogers during a recent candidates forum called Manassas Park one of the best places to live in the U.S. 

Originally from Philadelphia, the pastor is making his first bid in a write-in campaign for a seat on the Manassas Park Governing Body.

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Manassas Park residents will head to the polls for the November 8, 2016 General Election to choose two people to fill two open council seats, and a new mayor.
We sent a questionnaire to Rogers, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas Park residents?

Revenue Generation, Infrastructure, and Debt

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Rogers: 1) Attract large businesses to come to Manassas Park. 2) Review and identify all City Contract in order to identify which (if any) can be renegotiated and do so. 3) Reduce the number of suppliers and identify cost efficiencies that may be available and develop strategic relationships 4) Roadways must be developed, expanded, or manipulated to foment the persistent traffic along Manassas Drive from the City Center through Route 28. 5) Manassas City, Prince William County and Fairfax County must be convinced to take their proper part in re-engineering traffic 6) We attack the debt issue by increasing revenues not by increasing taxes.
Editor’s note: Rogers says he’ll increase revenue by working to lure large corporations to the city. 
From Rogers: 

To clarify, by increasing the revenue base using smart development (as an example encouraging large employers to open locations in Manassas Park and negotiating more with the City Center Developer to build-out the spaces that are in the City Center) we can attack the debt issue. I am opposed to increasing the amount of taxes that individuals already pay.

PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

From my perspective, the City Council is an advocate for the people – own who has the chance to interact with people on a regular basis and one that has the duty of communicating their concerns. But, the City Council also has the duty of protecting the City, foreseeing issues, and being a stabilizing force. Lastly, I would say that the person on City Council has the duty of not going it alone , but of being a team player.

PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

Accountant, contract manager, counselor, teacher

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Rogers: I feel that the average citizen is uninformed and does not understand the workings of local government. But, that is sad. I intend on being a change agent. I’ll offer time in my office to school students, mom’s, and businessmen. I’ll conduct regular sessions with other members of the Governing Body focused on gaining understanding and finding ways to communicate with the citizens of Manassas Park in the way that they communicate.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?
Rogers: I’m a pastor and a business leader. I make mistakes pretty regularly. But, I approach them by trying to be open and by asking for help to make things better.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Rogers: Hopefully, the readers will see that I have been a leader throughout my professional life. I believe that when they see my willingness to listen to them and to drive their issues, they’ll put their trust in me as a leader. The readers should vote for me because, regardless of whether or not I am elected as councilman, I am a leader in Manassas Park and have been one since I arrived.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.


Miriam Paula Machado is running as a write-in candidate for the Manassas Park City Governing Body.

She hopes to fill one of two open council seats on the board. 

She told attendees at a recent voter forum she is running, in part, to inspire young women to aspire to higher goals.

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We sent a questionnaire to Machado, and all other candidates seeking office for the Manassas Park Governing Body. His responses are below: 
PL: What are the top three major issues facing Manassas Park residents?

 The most pressing issues our city faces in our local economic development, education, and transportation.

PL: What concrete solutions do you propose to address these issues?
Machado: Economic development. Refinance current debt so the percentage of our budget gets reduced and we have a much higher percentage to invest in our schools. Attract high-tech companies to come to the city and to hire high-tech professionals, in high number in the City of Manassas Park. Make this city more attractive so the residents spend their money in local restaurants, local attractions for all age groups. Support small businesses in our local community.
Education: I want to draw attention to issues raised by all members of our community, provide resources for families with children, and ensure education is highlighted as a priority. Education is the foundation for every opportunity. I want to see each child develop into their full potential, I want to see more after school activities, I want to see more incentives for our teachers, I want to see more school counselors in each [Manassas Park] school, I want to see our kids SOL (Standards Of Learning) scores go up. I do not want any kid to be left behind; parents, families, communities, and schools must work together to raise the academic standards in the city of Manassas Park.
Transportation: We need to work together with Manassas, Prince William County, Fairfax County to bring a group solution to the transportation nightmare that all we experience going to work every morning. We need improvements in Route 28, bring Metro services to this area of Manassas, Manassas Park, Prince William County, bring more bus services to Manassas Park, make VRE fares more accessible.
PL: From your perspective, what is the job description of the office you’re seeking?

The City of Manassas Park operates under the Council-Manager form of government. Legislative powers are vested in the mayor and five city council members who are elected at-large for four-year terms. They establish City policy, Pass resolutions and ordinances (laws) Approve the City budget Set tax rates Approve land use plans Make appointments such as selecting the city manager, city clerk, city attorney and members of various boards and commissions.
PL: What expertise will you bring to the office?

I hold a Master of Science degree in Management Information Systems. I have worked in the area of Information Systems for the past 24years. As a contractor, I proudly provided my services to the US Army, and to the Food And Drug Administration, and as a professional woman I am excited and motivated to use my skills and experience to provide a fundamental public service to my community. I would like to voice all of your concerns and work hard to bring solutions to our community.

PL: Do you feel that the average citizen is well informed and understands the workings of city government? If not, how do you intend on improving communication with your constituency? 
Machado: There are programs for senior citizens and for different age groups in our new recreation center, I would like to reach out to all our citizens, we could use more efficient technologies, like apps, so the residents who travel to work towards the Washington, D.C. downtown area and surrounding areas know what is going on in real time in the City of Manassas Park. Parents know what educational programs are offered after school, what programs directed to senior citizens exist, what fun and entertainment is happening locally, so we all spend locally, at the same time supporting our local small businesses in the different trades.
PL: Have you ever made any mistakes in your public life? How have they affected you?
Machado: I have made mistakes, but no major mistakes, mistakes that I learned from and that served to improve to have a more balanced life.
PL: Our readers want leaders in local government. Why should they vote for you?
Machado: I am a Mother of three children who studied in the Manassas Park City School System: Luis is now a working professional, Michael is an undergraduate at Yale University, MPHS Class of 2015, Valedictorian, and Mark is a senior at Manassas Park High School.
I want to be a role model to every woman and girl. My long record of consistency allowed me to achieve a balanced life as a mother, professional worker, wife, daughter, and sister. I would like everyone to have a sense of belonging in this community, we all have to be inclusive and know our neighbors, and we need to celebrate diversity and we need to bring all the community together.
I would like to voice all of your concerns and work hard to bring solutions to our community. We need to have a vision, an audacity for hope, hope for a better future for our kids, hope for good schools, and a safe community to live in, hope senior citizens may maintain a life of tranquility.
We need to work for a more sustainable future, yet have major ambitions, and know how to balance these goals in order to focus our efforts. I would like to pursue the hope I always have to have a better opportunity for personal development, which I am still achieving I hope to help all achieve personal development And I plan to do so as I am running to be a member of your City Council.

Read more Project: Election 2016 candidate profiles.


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