The Living Library Initiative, a fledgling project to benefit one of our county’s most vulnerable populations, seeks to expand and diversify the books available for people incarcerated in the Prince William/Manassas Regional Jail. Through active collaboration with community partners, the PWOPD is gathering new reading material for those held at our local jail while strengthening ties to the larger community the office serves.
Prior to the Initiative’s launch on March 13, The Initiative organizers collected ideas from Prince William [Adult Detention Center], community organizations, and incarcerated individuals about the jail’s most pressing literature needs. The results can be found in the Living Library Initiative’s Amazon Wishlist and fliers distributed throughout the community. There are several drop box locations across the county for those who have new or gently used paperback books they wish to donate, including at firehouses, community centers, churches, and libraries.
The Prince William Public Defender Living Library Initiative has roughly one month left and will accept paperback book donations through May 15.
Drop box locations, highly desired books, and links to the Initiative can be found on Instagram (@pwdefenderslivinglibrary) and Facebook (Living Library Initiative) or by emailing the organizers directly at [email protected].
— The Prince William Public Defender Office