The principal at Bull Run Middle School near Gainesville, the site of an open house for a proposed data center next to Manassas National Park tomorrow, April 18, 2023, canceled the event. We first reported the event on Saturday, April 15, 2023.
Instead, the school will host an open house for parents of rising sixth-grade students. “I am not sure of the mix-up, but it is corrected,” states school principal Matthew Phythian in an email.
The data center would sit on some of the more than 800 acres earmarked by the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, approved last year, for Prince William Digital Gateway.
Residents opposed to more data centers in Prince William County, on track to eclipse neighboring Loudoun County for the most in the world, were planning a press conference to oppose the project “The attitude of Prince William County residents, and our message to QTS, is simple and concise: go away. We are not buying their insincere overtures to placate us while they concurrently plot to destroy us,” they noted in a press release.
QTS already operates at least one data center in Prince William County, next to the George Mason University Science and Technology Campus near Manassas.
In November 2022, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors amended its comprehensive plan to allow 27 million square feet of data center space next to the national battlefield park, the site of two major Civil War battles, a national tourism destination.
Two students at Independence Nontraditional School in Prince William County now work for the school division as part of the school's workforce education program.
In the coming weeks, nine more will join them, working in the school division's facilities department, which oversees construction. The school division's announcement comes during April, Workplace Readiness Month.
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Amazon Web Services and Prince William County Public Schools officials gathered to celebrate the first Think Big Space at River Oaks Elementary School, 16950 McGuffeys Trail in Woodbridge.
The company held the event on Thursday, April 13, 2023. Since the space -- two brightly colored classrooms outfitted with technology -- opened in 2019, 60 more have opened worldwide.
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Ainsely Sadler, a 17-year-old Equestrian Vaulter from Bristow, won the National Athletic Scholarship from the National Honor Society of High School Scholars worth $2,000. Ainsely is a Unity Reed High School senior and was chosen for her achievements and dedication to equestrian vaulting.
Equestrian vaulting is a rigorous and high-consequence sport that consists of gymnastics-like maneuvers while riding on the back of a horse. While vaulting, the equestrian maneuvers the horse within a 15-meter diameter circle and is judged on a scale of one to 10.
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Woodbridge JROTC has qualified to compete in the JROTC National Championship in Dallas, Texas, from April 17-29 as part of the host VEX Robotics Competition.
Since 1993, the Army Junior Reserve Officer Corps (JROTC) Honor Unit with Distinction program at Woodbridge High has developed leadership, citizenship, and community service skills. This year, they added robotic skills.
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C.D. Hylton High School planetarium director Anthony Kilgore has been selected as the new President of the Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society (Maps). Anthony was one of three candidates running for the position of President.
The election process began with a nomination process which resulted in three candidates being able to represent all planetariums in high schools, colleges, and science centers. Member planetariums' directors and administrators cast all votes.
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Here’s the latest list of candidates seeking office in Prince William County in 2023.
We see candidates listed for
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
- County Board of Supervisors
- Sheriff
- Commonwealth Attorney
- School Board
For Prince William County's youngest school board candidate, Jaylen Custis, an appearance at a recent Moms for Liberty meeting had significant consequences.
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The newest elementary school in Prince William County needs a permanent name. The school division will hold a community meeting to discuss the name (register here.)
Since construction began last year, officials have referred to the new school as "Rosemount Lewis" because the school sits near a park with the same name. The school is at 11000 Crestwood Drive, near Manassas.