Prince William County Public Schools: "The Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) selected 13 Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) students to perform in the 2023 VMEA Senior Honors Choir at the VMEA annual conference held recently."
"PWCS is proud to have these exceptionally talented seniors represent our school division at this year's VMEA honors choir,” said Michelle Milligan, administrative coordinator of the arts in PWCS. “Thank you to our dedicated teachers, students, parents, and community supporters, and congratulations to these students on your successful achievement in music that is being recognized and celebrated at the state level."
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The Prince William County Board of Suepervisors and School Board will hold swearing-in ceremonies.
The school board will hold its ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023, at the school system's headquarters, Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Road, near Dale City.
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"Freedom-Woodbridge High School defeated Highland Springs 42-34 Saturday at the University of Virginia to claim its second straight Class 6 state football title," reports.
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A Patriot High School student was struck by a car driven by another student in front of Marsteller Middle School on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023.
A 17-year-old driver struck a 16-year-old boy who was walking outside the middle school about a mile from Patriot High, 10504 Kettle Run Road in Nokesville.
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"In elementary schools, we are seeing improvement in reading levels, specifically a 5% increase in our Phonological Awareness Literacy Screenings (PALS), a comprehensive assessment of young children’s knowledge of the important literacy fundamentals that are predictive of future reading success," reports Prince William County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. LaTanya McDade.
"Also, earlier this week, the School Board voted on the 2024-25 school calendar. Option A was selected in alignment with the community and staff survey results. As a reminder, Option A provides a full two weeks at winter break and a teacher workday following spring break. The 2024-25 school calendar’s first day of school for students will be August 19, 2024."
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Encouraging data in Prince William County Public Schools highlights improvements in chronic absenteeism and elementary school reading grades.
Chronic absenteeism is still a concern for students in 11th and 12th grades but has improved in other grade levels. The news led Prince William County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Latayna McDade to acknowledge the improvement. However, she noted the school division still has a long way to go to improve. The school division sent letters to parents encouraging them to send their children to school.
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Your support helps us continue delivering more in-depth community news that matters to you. "Nate Murphy has resigned as Hylton's head football coach. Hylton was 4-3 in his first season followed by records of 3-7, 0-10 and 3-7."d in 1991."
"The 2006 Gar-Field High School graduate also felt like he had lost support of the Hylton football community after running for the Democratic nomination to represent Prince William County's Neabsco District on the county's board of supervisors. In June, Murphy lost to incumbent Victor Angry by 104 votes in the primary."
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Prince William police: "Malicious Wounding on School Grounds – "On December 6 at 7:41 a.m., the School Resource Officer (SRO) assigned to Patriot High School located at 10504 Kettle Run Road in Nokesville was notified of a fight."
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Senator Mark Warner's office: "Today, Sen. Warner welcomed kindergarteners from Bel Air Elementary School in [Dale City] to his Capitol Hill office to kick off the holiday season with carols, milk and cookies, and decoration of the office Christmas tree. This year’s tree, a 12-foot Fraser fir, is from Mt. Rogers Tree Farm in Grayson County, Va."
"Students helped Sen. Warner decorate his tree with handmade ornaments while serenading members of his staff with classic carols such as “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”