Greetings, Prince William – It’s Fall Cleanup Season, and we have several opportunities where families who love the environment can get together to help beautify the community:
- Join Leopold’s Preserve, Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District and Bull Run Mountains Conservancy for the 4th Annual Pond Cleanup October 14, 9am-12pm at Leopold’s Preserve. All ages welcome! No previous experience or tools required; grabbers and trash bags will be provided. Be prepared to work outside to get dirty, bring along a water bottle, and a smile. Waterproof boots/shoes that go up past the ankle are encouraged. Volunteers will walk the edges of the pond collecting trash and debris to prevent it from running into the Broad Run. Please meet at the Green Bay Street cul-de-sac, at approximately 16051 Green Bay Street, Haymarket. Carpooling is encouraged. Please visit https://bit.ly/3rER2PD to learn more.
- The awesome folks at Friends of the Occoquan are holding their annual Fall River Cleanup October 14, 9am-12pm at various sites in Prince William and Fairfax County. It’s family friendly and you’ll feel great as you help make these places beautiful again for all to enjoy! Preregistration is recommended, please visit www.friendsoftheoccoquan.org to view the list of sites. Please email [email protected] with volunteer names, selected site and check-in time.
- Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District is also hosting a Cleanup of Little Bull Run October 14, 9am-12pm. All ages welcome! If you have cleanup supplies such as gloves, vests, grabbers, etc., you’re welcome to bring them with you. Refreshments and free t-shirts will be available! Parking is available at Bull Run Middle School, 6308 Catharpin Road, Gainesville 20155. Please email [email protected] to sign up and learn more.
- The Town of Dumfries is holding a Town Cleanup event to remove litter from various locations around Dumfries on October 21, 8:30am-12pm at 17757 Main Street. Volunteers age 18+ welcome, volunteers under 18 are welcome to volunteer with a parent. It’s a great family-friendly event which will help beautify this historic town! All cleanup supplies will be provided; please consider bringing a reusable water bottle. Please visit https://bit.ly/48E96Ka to sign up, email [email protected] for more information.
Other opportunities:
- Matt, a local resident in his 90s, served in WWII, but mobility issues threatened to limit his ability to make crucial medical appointments. Thanks to our VETS program, this widowed veteran can get a ride to the doctor and has made new friends with the volunteers. You can be a part of this program as a Volunteer Driver for Volunteer Prince William, taking veterans and their spouse/widow to medical appointments, supermarkets, etc.! Drivers age 21+ are needed on weekdays, and schedules are flexible with most rides done between 8:30am-3pm. You’ll feel great as you provide transportation and friendship to veterans and spouses who otherwise struggle to have their daily and medical needs met! Please email [email protected] to learn how you can get involved. This opportunity is made possible by a grant from Potomac Health Foundation.
- ACTS has kicked off Share the Bounty, their annual Thanksgiving program which provides Thanksgiving meals for their clients! Donations can be dropped off through November 17 at ACTS Hunger Prevention Center, 17958 Dr. David Cline Lane, Dumfries 22026. Donations of mashed potatoes/gravy, stuffing, canned veggies, cornbread/muffin mix, pumpkin pie/fruit filling, etc. are needed. Volunteers will also be needed! What a terrific way to celebrate the season, to make a holiday meal possible for food insecure families! Please email Shirley at [email protected] to learn more.
- BEACON is already looking ahead to their Winter Session, and they’re in need of Virtual Volunteer Teachers for the period November 27-February 29. No experience needed; training is provided. Attend a Volunteer Information Session to learn more, dates available starting October 12! Please visit https://bit.ly/3tkZXGn for session dates and more information, email [email protected] to learn more.
- We all know how expensive kids’ clothing is, but you can help! The hard-working staff at Boxes of Basics has posted their October volunteer schedule. Duties include sorting and shelving donations, packing Boxes of Basics and other assorted tasks in their warehouse located at 9239 Mike Garcia Drive, Manassas 20109. Volunteers age 18+ needed, volunteers age 12-17 are welcome with a parent. You’ll feel great as you help lift vulnerable kids’ spirits with seasonal wardrobes they might otherwise have to do without! Please visit https://bit.ly/3t6kj6b to sign up.
- Brain Injury Services needs volunteers to be a PALS (Providing a Link for Survivors) for two survivors of brain injury. Both clients live in Fairfax County and are looking for a buddy to do monthly outings for coffee, walking, shopping etc.  Helping a client get their life back in order following such a traumatic occurrence will make your day! Please visit www.braininjurysvcs.org/volunteer/ for more information, email [email protected] to learn how you can help.
- NVFS SERVE campus is conducting a Fall Food Drive to stock the shelves at their Hunger Resource Center in Manassas. The demand for food has increased 26% and will probably get higher as we move into Fall, so your support is crucial! Volunteers age 16+ are needed to assist with unloading, sorting and organizing food October 20-27 at Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 8712 Plantation Lane, Manassas 20110. Be prepared to lift up to 25 pounds and be OK standing for the duration of a shift. You’ll feel great knowing you’re helping ensure SERVE can meet the increased needs of its client families during the holiday season! Please register at http://fallfooddrive.nvfs.volunteerhub.com/, email Navara at [email protected] with any questions. Want to donate to the food drive? Please visit www.nvfs.org/support/fall-food-drive/ for more information.
- If you love history, the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton wants to meet you! Their Lucy Burns Museum is looking for people-loving Docents to share the 90+ year history of this facility. Volunteers receive training and are expected to commit to a 2-year period of volunteering. You’ll enjoy interacting with visitors while sharing the colorful and sometimes controversial history of this center! Please visit https://bit.ly/46lEZ8M to view details, email [email protected] for more information and to apply.
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If you are looking for other opportunities, please don’t forget to call our wonderful team at Volunteer Prince William at 703.369.5292. You can also visit our website at www.volunteerprincewilliam.org. Thanks so much for all you do in our community.
Town of Occoquan Mayor’s E-Newsletter:Â “As some of you may be aware, from October 2 through October 31, a portion of Tanyard Hill Road will be closed. This is to accommodate the replacement of approximately 650 feet of a 24-inch water main, which is part of the Occoquan River Crossing Project of Fairfax Water in collaboration with the Prince William County Service Authority.”
“The closure will be between 411 Union Street in town and 1890 Tanyard Hill Road, and will affect the intersections at Old Bridge Road-Tanyard Hill Road, Union Street-Ellicott Street, and Union Street-Center Lane.”
“Detours will be in place and a contractor will be providing signage and traffic control. For more information, including the traffic management plan associated with this road closure, please go to pwcsa.org/Occoquan-River-Crossing.”
Town of Occoquan Government: “Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our visitors and vendors, we are canceling the Fall Arts & Crafts Show, September 23 & 24, 2024. This difficult decision was made in light of the high winds and rain expected from the oncoming tropical storm. This includes both days, Saturday and Sunday. All road closures in the Town scheduled due to the show will be lifted. No shuttles will be available from commuter lots. Prepaid shuttle passes will automatically be refunded. Paint & Sip attendees will be contacted individually.”
“For more information about other upcoming events in Occoquan, including Spirits & Spirits, October 27 and 28, and Occoquan HolidayFest, November 18 through December 3, please see visitoccoquanva.com.”
The craft show is one of two major events in Occoquan that generates most of the town’s annual revenue.
Press Release: “Historic Occoquan Fall Arts & Crafts Show features two days of a wide range of nearly 300 makers and creators in over 20 categories.”
“You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy festival fare and live music in the Beer & Wine Garden in River Mill Park. Master your creative side by signing up for the Paint & Sip. Kids will want to create their own art too, in Imagination Alley.” Read More
Town of Occoquan: "Just in time for the Labor Day weekend, the opening of Occoquan's new beer garden -- the Mill St. Draft Garden -- will take place this Wednesday, August 30, at 3:00 p.m."
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Town of Occoquan: “The Town of Occoquan announces free shuttle service into the historic district, Saturdays this fall beginning September 2 and running through December 16, 2023. This free service runs from the VDOT lot on Route 123 & Old Bridge Road and drops off at Mamie Davis Park in historic Occoquan, Saturdays, from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.”
“To catch the shuttle, park at the Old Bridge VDOT commuter lot, located at 1325 Old Bridge Road, Woodbridge. Then catch the shuttle at the VDOT bus shelter.”
“The shuttle runs roughly every 20 minutes, depending on local traffic. Get dropped off at the gazebo in the middle of historic Occoquan. From your drop off at Maimie Davis Park, go shopping. eat out, have fun!”
“To get back, hop the shuttle from Maimie Davis Park back to the VDOT lot. The shuttle takes you back to the same spot you parked.”
“Due to various events in Occoquan this season, shuttle service will be extended on the following Saturdays:”
- “Sept. 2, from 12 p.m.-9:30 p.m, to include music on Mill’s concert in River Mill Park;”
- “Oct. 28, from 12 p.m.-11.p.m., to include Spirits & Spirits’ Haunted Maze experience;”
- “Dec. 2, from 11 a.m.-8 p.m, to include events for HolidayFest.”
“Excluded from the free service is Saturday, Sept. 23 during the Fall Arts and Crafts show, when the festival shuttles will run 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. all weekend for $8 per person, 2 people for $15. Fall Arts & Crafts Show shuttle tickets will be made available in advance of craft show weekend, Sept. 23 & 24.”
The shuttle service is free to the public, and service animals are welcome.
For more info on Occoquans free Saturday shuttle service this fall, and other events, see visitoccoquanva.com

Town of Occoquan: “Congratulations to Tom and Mary Craig, whose submission “Heron’s Haven” was selected by the Occoquan Town Council from more than forty entries submitted in the inaugural “Name the Island” contest held during Occoquan’s Riverfest and Craft Show in June.”
“The contest, which will be held annually at Riverfest, asked participants to submit a name for the island adjacent to the Route 123 bridge that sits on the remains of a dike built by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1893. A sign will be placed on the island designating it as “Heron’s Haven” and displaying Tom and Mary’s names through June 30, 2024.”
“After a new name is selected from entries during 2024’s Riverfest and Craft Show, the “Heron’s Haven” sign will be given to Tom and Mary.”
Town of Occoquan mayors E-Newsletter: “The ducks are gathering for the 15th Annual Duck Splash Race scheduled for Sunday, August 13 at noon during Discover Occoquan week. Watch hundreds of numbered rubber docks drop from the Route 123 bridge and “race” to the finish line.”
“Adopt a duck for $5 each and put yourself in the running for cash prizes ranging from $20 to $500. You do not need be present to win and we’ll keep tallying ducks that cross the finish line until all the prizes have been won.”
“Net proceeds will benefit the 501(c)(3) organization Patriots for Disabled Divers, which uses scuba as a therapeutic tool for wounded warriors and others.”
“You can adopt ducks online now here. In addition, you can do so as well at Hitchcock Paper (125 Mill Street) and Patriot Diving (305 Mill Street) in Occoquan.”
Press release: "Karla Justice ...[is] condemning the extremely racist remarks made by Supervisor Kenny Boddye. While being interviewed by the Prince William Times about the recent primary election results, Supervisor Boddye seemed to suggest that the Democrat nominee for Board Chair, Deshundra Jefferson, only won because she was black."
"During the interview, Boddye is quoted as saying, “I think it speaks to the support on the Democratic side to elect candidates of color; she is poised to be the first Black and Black woman chair.” Jefferson, the Democrat victor in the primary upset cited Boddye’s remarks as “extraordinarily racist.” Karla Justice said 'I'm joining Deshundra Jefferson and a host of other leaders in condemning my opponent's remarks as extremely racist and out of touch. I am so proud of our very diverse community for making their voices and concerns heard on Primary Election Day. I resent the idea that any of our candidates were elected simply because of their race.'