
Prince William Circuit Court Judge Kimberly Irving tossed out a challenge from Maria Martin, a Republican who was unhappy about the results of a recount of her June 20 Primary Election loss to Nikki Rattray Baldwin.

Martin argued that one of her election observers witnessed a ballot that may have been improperly marked and that the observer could not review the vote. However, the observer was not a recount official; Irving stated that chosen campaigns before the July 21, 2023, recount occurred and had no right to challenge the ballot.

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Maria Martin lost the Republican Primary Election to her opponent Nikki Ratray Baldwin by two votes.

A hand recount of ballots cast of more than 16,000 ballots in Prince William and Stafford counties for the GOP nomination for the Virginia Senate 29 seat completed Friday, July 21, 2023, confirms the result.

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Nikki Baldwin (right) with her husband, Ben
Prince William Times: "It’s finally official: Nikki Baldwin, of Woodbridge, has won the Republican nomination to run for the 29th District state Senate seat after a recount Friday confirmed her razor-thin, two-vote win."

"A two-day recount, performed by election officials in both Prince William and Stafford counties, showed unchanged results from the June 20 primary: Baldwin won with 2,605 of the votes cast, while Martin garnered 2,603, Prince William Registrar Eric Olsen said in a phone call Friday night."


Top row: Guzman, McPike. Bottom row: Baldwin and Martin

The Center Square: "With his Republican opponent still to be determined, Democratic Sen. Jeremy McPike is a winner in Virginia's District 29, accepting a concession on Sunday from Del. Elizabeth Guzman."

"The Republican race from last Tuesday remains too close to call. In the most recent announced tabulation, only two votes separate candidates Nikki Rattray Baldwin, the leader, and Maria Martin."

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Top row: Guzman, McPike. Bottom row: Baldwin and Martin

The Center Square: "Clear winners and losers emerged from Tuesday’s state Senate primaries, except for Virginia Senate District 29, where Democratic and Republican candidates are locked in races too close to call."

"With more than 95% of votes in and only provisional and mail-in ballots left to be tallied, the races of Democrats Sen. Jeremy McPike and challenger Del. Elizabeth Guzman, and Republicans Maria Martin and Nikki Baldwin are headed toward a recount."

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Prince William County Republican Committee: “As Chairman of the Prince William Republican Committee, I would like to offer my most enthusiastic congratulations to the winners in the June 20 Republican primaries, including Jeanine Lawson for County Chair, Bill Woolf in the 30th State Senate District, and John Stirrup in the 21st District of the House of Delegates.”

“I also would like to commend those Republican candidates that did not prevail, including Josh Quill and Robert Ruffolo; they demonstrated their courage and commitment to the principles of the Republican Party by undertaking all the ardors and difficulties of a political campaign.”

“We still do not know who has won in the 29th Senate District but the close race between Nikki Rattray Baldwin and Maria Martin demonstrates that the qualities of the candidates made it a difficult decision for Republican voters.”

“It is now time for Republican voters to rally behind their Prince William County candidates in the general elections this November. If the candidates are willing to lay their time, their effort, and their money on the line to save this county, can we do less?”

The primary race for Republicans and Democrats in Virginia’s 29th Senate District (portions of Prince William and Stafford counties) remains too close to call.

Incumbent Democrat Jeremy McPike is trying to hold on to his seat but faces tough competition from challenger and current House of Delegates member Elizabeth Guzman.

A total of 46 votes separates McPike and Guzman in the party’s primary challenge. McPike has held the seat since 2016. Guzman was elected to the House of Delegates in 2017.

Incumbent Democrat Jeremy McPike is trying to hold on to his seat but faces tough competition from challenger and current House of Delegates member Elizabeth Guzman.

A total of 46 votes separates McPike and Guzman in the party’s primary challenge. McPike has held the seat since 2016. Guzman was elected to the House of Delegates in 2017.

For Republicans, Maria Martin is challenging Nikki Rattray Baldwin for the party’s nomination. Only 10 votes separates the two candidates.

Martin has sought state-level office since 2019, first in the House of Delegates and now in the Senate.

Martin and Baldwin live in Prince William County. Martin is a Bolivian immigrant and Marine Corps wife and homemaker. Baldwin is a Navy veteran, a wife of a U.S. Marine of 13 years, and the mother of a 9-year-old boy.


Top row: Guzman, McPike. Bottom row: Baldwin, Martin

It's been a nail-biter of a Primary Election in the 29th Virginia Senate District, which includes eastern Prince William and northern Stafford counties.

Incumbent Democrat Jeremy McPike is trying to hold on to his seat but faces tough competition from challenger and current House of Delegates member Elizabeth Guzman.

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