
Virginia Democrats are aiming at kids they claim are spending too much time online, reports WRIC-TV.

“There is one example where a young lady took her own life, and when they looked back on her social media, she had viewed over 2,000 hours of self-harm content,” said Del. Josh Thomas (D-Prince William) at a press conference Tuesday.

The House of Delegates has amended a Senate bill that would require social media sites to limit minors under 16 to one hour per day per platform.

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Matt Lowery [Photo: Mike Beaty]
(Loudoun Times Mirror) – Saying the traffic stop was unjustified, a judge has dropped drunken driving charges against a Loudoun County prosecutor.

Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Matthew B. Lowery appeared Feb. 14 before retired Judge Charles B. Foley in Prince William County General District Court in Manassas. Foley, who was serving as a visiting judge, dismissed charges of driving while intoxicated and refusing to take a blood or breath test.


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