Rozia Henson is the Democrat nominated for the House of Delegates 19th District seat in Woodbridge and southern Fairfax County.
Henson fended off two challengers, Makya Little, and Natalie Shorter, for his party’s nomination for the seat. There is no incumbent and no Republican challenger as of today.
Only 57 votes separated Henson and Little. Little outraised Henson by $140,000.
Henson: “We did it, team! @MakyaLittle and @NatalieLShorter
have both graciously called to offer their congratulations tonight, and I am so proud to be the Democratic nominee for Delegate in House District 19. This was an incredibly hard-fought race with thousands of doors knocked, thousands of calls made, and countless conversations with neighbors — and we earned this victory together. I’m getting to bed but will be back shortly to thank our incredible volunteers and supporters and the organizations that have stood strongly by our side. Thank you!”
In 2021, Henson ran for a House of Delegates seat in Woodbridge, the seat vacated by Jennifer Carroll Foy when she resigned from the House to run for governor. Candi Mundon King went on to win the seat which she holds today.
According to his website, Henson grew up in Prince William and Spotsylvania counties and went on to attend Virginia State University and the University of Maryland, where he earned his MBA.