Drivers should expect possible delays now through Sunday on I-66 West between Manassas and Gainesville.
On Wednesday, August 31, crews erected a long-term closure of the left travel lane, which will be in place around-the-clock through Saturday, September 10. The left lane closure will reduce this section of westbound I-66 to three travel lanes from west of Route 234 Business (Sudley Road) near Groveton Road to Route 29 (Lee Highway) in Gainesville.
Additional lane closures will occur in this area during the overnight hours, says VDOT. These lane closures will allow crews to complete work for this section of roadway in preparation for the opening of the future 66 Express Lanes Outside the Beltway later this year.
Drivers should always use caution and pay attention to lane markings and roadway signs in construction zones. All work is weather dependent and will be rescheduled if inclement conditions occur.
The Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Project will add E-ZPass Express toll lanes to a 22-and-a-half-mile stretch of I-66 from Route 29 in Gainesville to I-495. Improvements also include more than 4,000 new park-and-ride spaces, improved bus services, interchange improvements, and 11 miles of new bike and pedestrian trails.
The new lanes are expected to open in December after five years of construction.

The Prince William County Department of Transportation will seek feedback from residents about a $53.3 million, seven-story parking garage in Woodbridge.
The county will hold a Design Public Hearing in the Prince William County Board Chambers at the McCoart Building at 2 p.m., Sept. 20, 2022, where they can learn more about the plan to build 1,400 spaces on a county-owned property that was once earmarked for the construction of Minor League Baseball stadium for the Potomac Nationals, at 2501 Opitz Boulevard, across from Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center in Woodbridge.
The towering project will also include off-site roadway and pedestrian improvements to facilitate access to and from the garage. Plans for the new garage are on the county’s website.
Transurban, the I-95 E-ZPass lanes operators, will build a new access ramp from the lanes to Opitz Boulevard to provide better access to the parking tower.
In March, Prince William County leaders awarded The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company a design-build contract to build the garage. The construction cost has increased by about $16 million since planners first envisioned the project in 2017.
The parking tower will replace commuter parking spaces used by commuters at Potomac Mills mall until 2011. The mall stopped allowing commuters to park and built several restaurants, like The Cheesecake Factory. The lot will also relieve capacity at commuter lots on Routes 1 and Route 234 and Prince William Parkway and Horner Road, near Interstate 95.
County transportation officials told us in March that it’s too soon to say when the new garage will open.
In 2018, a deal to build a new baseball stadium for the Potomac Nationals at the site where the garage will sit fell through when the Board of County Supervisors opted not to back the stadium project with public funds. The decision resulted in the team moving from Woodbridge, where it had played since 1983, to a new stadium in Fredericksburg.