

Good luck, Paris! 

I said goodbye to our spring intern, Paris Goodman, who helped to write original news stories and post press releases and other public notices to our website.

Paris, a senior at Riverbend High School in Spotsylvania County, is moving on to Texas Christian University in the fall and plans to pursue journalism.

During our final with her advisor, Ms. Gray, Paris told me that her experience at PLN helped her impress her college journalism instructors.

Paris, it was a pleasure working with you, and good luck! If you’re a high school student seeking an internship and want to learn more about local news and web publishing, apply today.

Take Your Child to Work Day

I had so much fun taking my three-year-old daughter, Saoirse, with me last Thursday for Take-Your-Child-to-Work Day. We climbed atop a new bridge to cover a dedication for a $109 million interchange on Prince William Parkway, and we interviewed the JROTC students at Potomac Senior High School in Woodbridge for an upcoming story.

It was such an experience for her to stand in the main hallway during dismissal, and she got to see what a vibrant and diverse place the high school is, from the girls’ dresses, the boys wearing Panthers sports team jerseys, and the students who gathered for an impromptu bongo drum concert. The school even gave her a lollipop — her favorite.


Our reporter-documenters are hard at work covering local meetings in our community. Lynn Forkell Greene has been documenting Manassas City Council meetings and the meeting about the $300 million Route 28 bypass outside Manassas.

This week on Zoom, we held our first reporter-documenter training session. I introduced the program to perspective documenters and outlined how to cover public meetings, how our systems work, and our payment process.

Please email me if you want more information about becoming a meeting documenter. I’ll schedule another documenter orientation Zoom meeting soon.

Our members make paying our meeting reporter-documenters possible. One annual membership pays for six hours of meeting coverage. Please support our mission of bringing your local news by becoming a member today.

Thank you for your continuing support of PLN.



Hey Potomac Local News readers,

We’ve worked hard to cover our community in the past few weeks.

Manassas City resident Lynn Forkell Greene documented a public meeting at the Manassas Park Community Center where Prince William County residents voiced concerns about flooding and fears of being forced from their homes to make way for a three-and-half-mile, $300 million bypass road.

Last week, I spent hours covering local budget meetings in Stafford County, where elected leaders backed off of an advertised tax rate that would have meant the highest tax increase in Virginia history.

We were there when local leaders unveiled a rebranded regional bus system.  And we told you about speed cameras coming to area roads.

PLN was the only news organization in the room to report on division-wide changes coming to high school lunch periods and how schools will seat children with autism.

We had exclusive details about a first-of-its-kind development that promises affordable housing for a city’s employees. We also told you about how another city saved nearly $1 million it had planned to spend on installing new signs.

This work is made possible by members like you, including our newest members, John, Sharon, Tanisha, Richard, Timothy, and John. Your support will mean our community won’t end up like Salinas, Calif., home of a daily newspaper with zero news reporters.

With the help of our small band of documenters, student interns, and the local news ecosystem supported by publications like, Prince William Times, Free Lance-Star, and trusted social media sources, we’re working to provide you with a complete picture of local news and events.

Please become a member to support our work. If you’re a business or non-profit, please consider advertising with us to promote yourself and support our mission.

Finally, please consider rolling up your sleeves and working with us to document meetings and help us build a new public record.

Committed to informing our community,

Uriah Kiser
Founder & Publisher
Potomac Local News


[Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash]
If you work at a school or a non-profit organization, you can now post your events to our Community Calendar for free.

Click Here to access the calendar, and click "submit your event" at the top of the calendar to submit your event.

  • You can use the drop-down menu at the top of our website to view the calendar and submit your events.

The addition of the events calendar marks a return of the popular feature to Potomac Local News. The events calendar is part of a host of new site improvements that we've made since Thanksgiving 2021.

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[Photo: Noah Silliman/Unsplash]
Obituaries were essential sections of the local newspapers I worked at in Prince William and Stafford counties (both closed, like so many other local newspapers, have over the past 20 years).

The obituary page featured the life stories of those who built and served our communities and their photos. It provided a place where readers could not only know of their passing and accomplishments but also a place where they could be memorialized.

While we don't print a newspaper, our obituary page here at PLN works similarly and provides the same features and benefits.

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I had a lot of fun today talking to Ms. Sharon Siepel's business and marketing classes at North Stafford High School.

The bell rang bright and early at 8 a.m., where I stood before a class of about 25 students and talked about founding Potomac Local News, an online news business serving neighborhoods between Manassas and Fredericksburg. I also enjoyed speaking with Ms. Siepel's 11:30 a.m. class.

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Happy Thanksgiving

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season are upon us. I'm surprised at how fast it creeps up on us every year. It seems like just yesterday I was writing about the end of the summer swimming pool season, and here we are on turkey day's doorstep.

This Thanksgiving, as we do each year, will take a break for a holiday and reflect on the many blessings in our lives.

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[Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash]
If you work at a school or a non-profit organization, you can now post your events to our Community Calendar for free.

Click Here to access the calendar, and click "submit your event" at the top of the calendar to submit your event.

  • You can use the drop-down menu at the top of our website to view the calendar and submit your events.

The addition of the events calendar marks a return of the popular feature to Potomac Local News. The events calendar is part of a host of new site improvements that we've made since Thanksgiving 2021.

This article is FREE to read. Please Sign In or Create a FREE Account. Thank you.


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