
[Photo: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash]
Prince William County’s personal property and second-half real estate taxes for 2024 are due by December 5, 2024, with various payment options available, including online, phone, mail, and in-person at designated locations. Late payments will incur a 10% penalty and monthly interest, and residents with questions or missing tax bills are advised to contact the Taxpayer Services Office.

Press Release from Prince William County:

Prince William County’s personal property and second half real estate taxes for 2024 are due by Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.

The county offers multiple options for submitting tax payments:

  • Online Payment: You can pay by electronic check or credit card at
  • Phone Payment: Call 888-272-9829 and use jurisdiction code 1036.
  • Mail Payment: Send payments to PO BOX 70519, Philadelphia, PA 19176-0519.
  • In-Person Payment: Visit the Taxpayer Services Offices at the Sudley North Government Center, 7987 Ashton Avenue in Manassas, or the McCoart Government Center, 1 County Complex Court in Woodbridge. Both locations are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Residents are encouraged to pay their taxes before the due date. Please note, a late payment penalty of 10 percent will apply to any unpaid tax balance after the Dec. 5 deadline. Additionally, interest will accrue monthly on unpaid balances at a rate of 10 percent per annum until they are fully paid.

If you have not yet received your tax bill and believe you should have, please contact the Taxpayer Services Office promptly at 703-792-6710 or via email at [email protected].

Property owners who receive a tax bill and escrow property taxes with their mortgage company should contact their lender immediately.

Visit for additional information or call the county’s Taxpayer Services Office and Call Center at 703-792-6710, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



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