The cost of a pack of smokes could rise in Stafford County.
The county Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on implementing a new tax on the sale of cigarettes. During the same hearing, the Board will also consider joining the newly-created Northern Virginia Cigarette Tax Board.
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The Stafford County Board of Supervisors plans to use funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act to hire two new full-time employees and to purchase new equipment for the county sheriff's office.
The county expects the Federal Government to give it $14.8 million in ARPA funds, the second installment of ARPA cash for Stafford. The county plans to use about $580,000 for new employees and gear for the sheriff's office.
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The Stafford County Board of Supervisors has approved a new agreement with the Stafford Baseball League, Inc. for five more years.
The county had agreed in 2017 to continue its partnership with the league. The county's Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously decided on that renewal, which followed approval by the Board of Supervisors.
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Stafford County leaders wrangled with multiple traffic issues at its most recent meeting Tuesday, November 16.
The Board of Supervisors heard from residents who want new parking restrictions and those who wish drivers of large trucks would find other routes.
In North Stafford, county leaders asked the Virginia Department of Transportation to restrict truck traffic on Austin Ridge Drive. The four-lane, north-south thoroughfare runs parallel to Interstate 95, cuts through a neighborhood of the same name, and links Courthouse and Mine roads.
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An actor from Manassas will appear in a new Christmas movie.
Paul Van Scott will play the antagonist in "Twas the Night." He'll star alongside Nicole Pringle and David S. Perez.
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This past Saturday, the Stafford County charity Jenkins Donelson Foundation held two events at the Stafford County Courthouse to help families in need for the holiday season.
This is the fifth consecutive year in a row that the organization has held the two events, The Holiday Giveaway and Santa's Workshop.
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The Stafford County Government is working on an update to their drug policy regarding county employees.
The county plans to maintain a zero-tolerance policy regarding alcohol and the abuse of illegal and prescription drugs for employees while on the clock. It also plans to keep a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to the use of marijuana.
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About five residents gathered in front of the Stafford County Courthouse to protest against losing civil rights due to actions taken during the coronavirus pandemic.
The protesters held up signs protesting such issues as vaccine mandates, questions about the safety of the vaccines provided by Pfizer. The protesters were met with a mix of both support and derision as commuters on Courthouse Road passed by.
The event coordinator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Potomac Local News that she was protesting in the name of the right to choose. She said that she had no problem if people decided to use the vaccine or not but that the choice should be respected by governments at all levels.
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The Stafford County Board of Supervisors approved proclamations that will honor two outgoing public servants.
Garrisonville District Supervisor Mark Dudenhefer and Hartwood Supervisor Gary Snellings will end their terms on December 31, 2021. Both men decided not to run for re-election in their respective districts.