
[Photo by John Tuesday on Unsplash]
Prince William County government: “Prince William County won first place in the 2023 Digital Counties Survey Awards in the 250,000-499,999-population category.”

“The annual award recognizes a distinguished group of counties that have worked hard to improve their digital, citizen and government experience through technology and leadership, and is sponsored by the Center for Digital Government (CDG) and the National Association of Counties (NACo). The county won second place in 2022 and third place in 2021.”

“Prince William County earned first place this year by demonstrating a continued commitment to delivering technology services that are tightly aligned with the county’s seven strategic goals.”


Bruster's Real Ice Cream: "Bruster’s Real Ice Cream is hosting a grand opening celebration at their newest location in Haymarket."

"Bruster’s Real Ice Cream features 150 flavors of handcrafted ice cream, yogurt, Italian ice and sorbet. There are nearly 200 independently owned locations in 22 states, Guyana and South Korea.

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[Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash]
Prince William County: “Prince William County has partnered with the Local Energy Alliance Program, or LEAP, to bring Solarize NOVA to county residents.”

“The Solarize Virginia program in Northern Virginia helps people navigate the complexities of going solar and makes solar installation more accessible to consumers.”

“Prince William County is participating in Solarize NOVA for the first time this year,” said Giulia Manno, Prince William County’s Office of Sustainability Director. “This initiative will benefit community members looking to install solar on their homes by walking them through the permitting process, vetting installers, and offering discounted bulk purchase pricing.”




I-66 E-ZPass Express Lanes at Haymarket [Photo: I-66 Mobility Partners]
Transform I-66 Express Outside the Beltway: “Today the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project was named the 2023 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Project of the Year in the Innovation of the Year category by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA).”

“The nation’s oldest transportation-related construction group recognized the innovative partnership between I-66 Express Mobility Partners, FAM Construction, and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The announcement was made at ARTBA’s 35th annual P3s In Transportation conference, held at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Washington, D.C.”

“The Innovation of the Year award recognizes projects and organizations which demonstrate outstanding achievement in establishing, delivering, and operating P3 transportation projects in the United States.”

“The $3.7-billion multi-modal Transform 66 mega-project – among the largest P3 infrastructure projects in the US this century – won the competitive annual award for its innovative methods throughout the procurement and construction phases. Construction of the Transform 66 project is slated to be fully complete by the end of the summer of 2023.”

Some of the engineering innovations in the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project include self-propelled modular transporter systems, advanced Lidar technology developed by Ferrovial Construction, and the rubblization of more than one million square yards of concrete pavement – one of the largest rubblization projects ever in the US – reducing the project’s carbon footprint by reusing rubblized concrete.

“The Transform 66 Outside the Beltway has required some smart innovations and out-of-the-box thinking,” said Luis Vazquez, CEO of I-66 EMP. “We’re proud to receive this P3 award from ARTBA, and we look forward to continuing a long, beneficial partnership with VDOT.”


Stafford Schools: "The American Heart Association presented Stafford County Public Schools with the Heart of Gold School District award for its participation in the school-based Kids Heart Challenge program. The division is the largest in Virginia with 100 percent participation in the program."

“I am so proud to partner with the American Heart Association and help lead the state in offering lifesaving programs to every student and every family in our community,” said Dr. Thomas W. Taylor, Stafford Schools Superintendent. The Kids Heart Challenge & American Heart Challenge programs provide instruction in the Warning Signs of Stroke and the Steps to Hands-Only CPR; two critical skills that absolutely save lives.” Each school building and the administrative complex participated in the Kids Heart Challenge in 2023. In addition to providing lifesaving instruction, more than 2,000 students elected to participate in the challenge to be kind to their hearts and each other. More than 300 of these families completed “Finn’s Mission” as part of the Challenge, learning the critical warning signs and the steps to Hands-Only CPR." To learn more about the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge, visit

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Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce: “The Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce will host the 7th annual First Responders Appreciation Breakfast on August 23rd from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Fredericksburg Convention Center.”

“The business community comes together to honor and thank our region’s first responders for their outstanding contributions to our safety and well-being. “

“Awards will be presented in the following categories: Heroism (Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards; Meritorious Civilian Award); Investigative (Excellence in Criminal Investigation Award; Merit Award; The Business of First Responding Award); and the Citizen Valor Award.

“[Virginia] Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alisicia Andrews will provide the event’s keynote address.”

Andrews is a United States Marine Corps veteran with an MBA and Cybersecurity Management Certificate from Georgetown University. Andrews ran as a Republican in 2020 in an attempt to unseat Democrat Jennifer Wexton, who still holds the seat representing Manassas and western Prince William County in congress.

Register for this event here. 


StoreBrands: “Lidl is coming to the Northern Virginia community of Lorton with a new store opening scheduled for July 26. The store will be open to shoppers from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday.”

“The store at 9001 White Spruce Way is part of Liberty, a mixed-use community that is transforming the historic Lorton Reformatory into an urban village.”

“At the grand opening event on July 26, the first 100 customers in line before the store opens at 8 a.m. will receive a special gift card ranging from $5 to $100 each. Shoppers can also sample Lidl’s award-winning assortment and take advantage of special giveaways.”

“I am excited to welcome Lidl to Liberty! Not only does it bring a diversity of grocery shopping options to Lorton, but it provides a walkable, bikeable location to many, many residents in the immediate vicinity of the store,” said Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck.

“As an anchor for the rest of the commercial development at Liberty, we are already seeing exciting new options coming and anticipate welcoming Taco Rock and others to the site this fall.”


[Photo by Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash]
Press release: “Local Community Theatre Company called House Inclusive Productions is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization designed to help integrate actors and performers with disabilities into mainstream theater. This summer HHIP is performing on July 28, 29, 30, and August 4, 5 and 6.”

Tickets for kids are $5, and the musical will be located at 15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Woodbridge.

“Featuring award-winning director and choreographer Caryn Hamilton, as our director and an amazing team of over 30 techs, artists, and customers; this show is sure to be a blast! There will be a sensory-friendly show offered, as well as accommodations and social stories available for all shows.”

“HHIP envisions theater-goers enjoying performances that include actors with various talents. Eva Thorpe created HHIP with the vision of giving her brother Michael an ongoing community theater group for him to continue to perform with.”

For more information visit


OmniRide Mircotransit van [Photo: OmniRide]
OmniRide: “OmniRide partner, George Mason University (GMU), was recently recognized for their outstanding commute alternative program. GMU received the Incentives Award from Commuter Connections.”

“The award recognizes an employer offering commuter benefits and incentives to encourage and reward their employees for using alternative means of transportation to and from work.”

“OmniRide and GMU partnered through the Employer Outreach arm of OmniRide’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. The program assists employers to coordinate ridesharing and implement teleworking and commuter benefits programs for their employees.”


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