The Fredericksburg Nationals will be playing their home opener in a brand new “state of the art” facility on April 23.
Pretty exciting. Pro baseball featuring future Washington Nationals in a brand new stadium right here in our home town.
But what about the other 295 days? And just what is “state of the art?”
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An upbeat attitude was evident at the First Annual FredNats Hot Stove Banquet, held Sunday at the Fredericksburg Expo Center in Fredericksburg.
“It’s hot stove tonight!” said Geoff Lassiter, Carolina League president.
“Hot stove,”’ explained Lassiter, is what baseball fans do during the offseason. They talk baseball. It’s symbolic, he said, of friends sitting around a hot stove and having a conversation.
He offered congratulations to the Silber family, which owns the Minor League team, and to the fans for the arrival of the team in Fredericksburg. He referred to the team and the coming stadium as “incredible,” adding that Fredericksburg was “the right community for minor league baseball. This is what the national pastime all about.”