

Prince William County currently has over 400 job openings across all departments and will host a Career Expo to fill as many open positions as possible.

More information can be found in the County’s press release:

The Prince William County Career Expo will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2024, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center at 10960 George Mason Circle in Manassas from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Onsite interviews will be conducted for some entry level positions with potential contingent offers and pre-screening interviews for some mid-to higher-level positions.

County staff will be available at the expo to assist attendees in finding suitable volunteer and employment opportunities, whether they are looking for full-time or part-time positions, internships or seasonal jobs. Representatives from various departments, hiring managers and personnel from Prince William County Human Resources will be present to answer questions about the recruitment and selection process, as well as the county’s benefit offerings.

Laptops will be available at the Career Expo for potential candidates to complete applications onsite. County staff will also be on hand to help with the application process.

“People who choose public service careers often do so to give back to the community they live in,” said Human Resources Manager Adreanne Simms. “In Prince William County, we offer excellent pay and benefits, Virginia State Retirement, office locations countywide and diverse job opportunities to challenge and inspire you. We invite you to work where you live and play and See Yourself Here!”

Registration for the Career Expo is not required. However, interested candidates can skip the line to get right to the agencies they want to meet with Express Check-In. Learn more and sign up for Express Check-In at


Stafford County recently added a 70-acre farm to its Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR). Bringing the total number of acres preserved by the program to 1,105 and the number of development rights retired to 286.

More in Stafford County’s press release:

Additionally, 152 acres are in progress to potentially be added to the program, and 59 more development rights are to be extinguished. The Purchase of Development Rights Program is one of the County’s tools to preserve open space and promote Healthy Growth.

“We greatly appreciate the Jones family for putting their 70 acres into our PDR Program and helping us with our vision of preserving open, green spaces,” said Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Meg Bohmke, Falmouth District. “Through the use of a variety of tools, 12,508 acres will never be developed in Stafford County, and 4,241 development rights will be retired.”

The 12,508 acres include conservation easements, properties in the Purchase of Development Rights Program and Transfer of Development Right Program properties.

The Jones Property on Forest Lane Road totals 70 acres. It has a mix of forest and agricultural uses and contains sensitive environmental resources.

To further the PDR Program and the preservation of open land, Stafford Board authorized a partnership between Stafford and the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT) to hire a position dedicated to Stafford County. The staff member has been working to develop professional relationships with landowners, various agencies, and potential partners. Part of the person’s responsibility is to promote, educate and inform landowners about Stafford County conservation initiatives and programs and identify and pursue new potential conservation projects and funding opportunities.

To learn more about applying to the Purchase of Development Rights Program, please visit


Fredericksburg Continuum of Care: On January 22, 2024 the Fredericksburg Regional Continuum of Care (CoC) received funding in the amount of $21,000 to support the Community Based Eligibility Worker Program to provide outreach to individuals and families experiencing homeless to access Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) more easily.

hoThe CoC is the federally mandated coalition responsible for planning and implementing homeless services throughout Planning District 16, including the Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and the City of Fredericksburg.

The awarded grant from the Joe and Mary Wilson Community Benefit Fund will support access to critical benefits across Planning District 16 for vulnerable communities. The CoC partners with Micah Ecumenical Ministries to staff a full-time staff position who walks households through connecting to 2 community benefits.

This is the third year that Micah and the CoC have received this funding. In the last year, funds were used to connect more than 180 people with needed Medicaid and SNAP benefits.

Visitors navigate the many exhibitor booths at last year’s NOVA Housing Expo. Photo by Chris Douthat

The 14th annual Northern Virginia Housing Expo will be held on Saturday, March 23. The Expo is free and open to the public and will run between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Charles J. Colgan High School, 13833 Dumfries Road, Manassas.

More information can be found in a Prince William County press release:

Visitors to the Housing Expo will have the opportunity to attend workshops that will provide them with valuable information about the housing market, including:

  • The ABCs of credit scores
  • Household budgeting in expensive times
  • Getting ready to rent or buy
  • First-time buyer and rental assistance programs
  • Housing discrimination – understanding fair housing laws
  • Senior housing topics
  • Neighborhood housing rehabilitation program
  • Reverse mortgages

The Housing Expo will also include dozens of exhibits featuring apartment rentals, government assistance programs, mortgage information and assistance, and home-buying opportunities, as well as lenders who will be on hand to answer questions.

“Lenders will have information on different loan programs available and information on how to qualify for a mortgage loan,” said Prince William County Director of Housing and Community Development, Joan Duckett.

Consultants will also be at the Expo for 30-minute one-on-one sessions to help people find out more about what housing choices are right for them, whether they are looking for a place to rent or getting ready to buy a home.

The Housing Expo is a cooperative effort of Virginia Housing; the counties of Prince William, Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun; the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Manassas Park; the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors®; the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


The Prince William County Police Department is sounding the alarm over the increase in pedestrian-related crashes in 2024.

Find more in a Prince William Police Department press release:

From January 1 to February 29, 2024, the police department investigated 17 pedestrian-related crashes, three of which were fatal. The total number of pedestrian-related crashes in 2024 is 55% higher than those seen year-to-date in both 2023 and 2022 and close to if not more than double seen in 2021 and 2020.

In 2024, pedestrian-related crashes have shown to occur more in the morning, during the 6 a.m. hour, and the evening between the 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. hours. During the week, Thursdays have seen the highest number of pedestrian-related crashes.

Five year analysis: Pedestrian-related crashes:

Over the last five years, between 2019 and 2023, there were close to 22,000 reportable crashes along roadways in Prince William County. While pedestrian-related crashes overall accounted for only approximately 1.6% of total crashes during that timeframe, crashes resulting in a death and, specifically those amongst pedestrians, were about one in three, or 30% of total fatalities.

2023 analysis: Pedestrian-related crashes
In 2023, there were 87 pedestrian-related crashes in Prince William County, up 10.1% from 79 in 2022. While fatal pedestrian-related crashes fell 45.5% from a historic high of 11 in 2022 to 6 in 2023, the police department has investigated two fatal pedestrian crashes so far in 2024, both attributing to actions of the pedestrian as the cause. Overall, in 2023, the height of pedestrian crashes occurred in the fourth quarter of the year, totaling 28 or about 32.2%. The highest number occurred in October at 15, followed by May totaling 11.

The police department is urging both drivers and pedestrians to follow traffic laws and best practices to avoid meeting, if not exceeding, the number of pedestrian-related crashes this year. The number of pedestrian-related crashes in 2023 showed a considerable concentration in densely populated areas and along busy corridors, such as Richmond Highway, Old Bridge Road, and Sudley Road, where best practices are especially needed.

Best practices for drivers and pedestrians

  • Following all traffic laws.
  • Planning time and a route ahead of leaving your home.
  • Obeying all posted signs and signals.
  • Limiting phone and other distractions.
  • Avoiding impairments such as alcohol and drugs, and for pedestrians specifically, dressing to be seen.
  • Keeping out of the roadway unless legally crossing in a designated area such as a crosswalk.

Learn more helpful tips by visiting


Press Release:  Potomac Mills is pleased to announce Bunny visits for families as part of the Bunny Photo Experience at Potomac Mills. The Bunny arrives on Friday, March 8, and will be available for visits until Saturday, March 30.

The Bunny Photo Experience will be open seven days a week and hours vary throughout the season. Find the full list of hours here. Reservations are strongly encouraged.  Make Bunny reservations today by clicking here.

Potomac Mills will also once again host Caring Bunny on Sunday, March 17 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Caring Bunny ® is a private event for children with special needs and their families. Special care is taken to ensure a sensory-friendly environment. Reservations are required. Click here to reserve your spot.


Occoquan announced their popular spring event is back for 2024. Beginning March 26 through 30, there are two ways to participate.

More information can be found in Occoquan’s press release below:

Celebrating over a decade of fun and amazing creativity by local business owners, Occoquan’s famous Peep Show is back! Stroll through the historic district and vote for your favorite PEEPS® dioramas, made by and displayed at Occoquan businesses. Cast your vote and enter to win the grand prize of $100 in Occoquan gift cards! Forms are available at participating business locations and at Town Hall.

The community is invited to participate! Build your very own PEEPS® diorama and enter this year’s Occoquan Community Peep Contest for the chance to win a $50 prize in your category!

Enter in one of these four:

  • Individual
  • Family/Team
  • Youth (ages 12-16)
  • Kids (12 and under)

Drop off entries by March 25, 2024, to Town Hall at 314 Mill Street. Town Hall is open weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors will vote on these and the business-made dioramas throughout the Peep Show, March 26-30. Participation is free but entrants into the community contest portion must first register.

For more information about Peep Show activities see


I-95 Northbound and Southbound: Exit 126 (Spotsylvania): Sunday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Single lane closures on both I-95 northbound and southbound starting at 9 p.m. followed by double lane closures at 10 p.m. between mile markers 125-126 for bridge work. All lanes will reopen by 5 a.m. Construction of a new overpass of I-95 at Route 17 (Mills Drive).

I-95 Northbound: Exit 130 (Route 3) to Exit 133 (Falmouth/Warrenton)
Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Alternating lane closures for paving on I-95 northbound in the through travel lanes and local travel lanes between exits 130 (Route 3) in Fredericksburg and exit 133 (Falmouth/Warrenton) in Stafford.

  • Exit 140 (Stafford) to 143 (Aquia/Garrisonville): Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Single lane closure at mile 142 for sign work. 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension project.

I-95 Southbound: Exit 148 (Quantico): Tuesday – Friday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. and Friday – Saturday, 10 p.m. – 7 a.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 147-146 beginning at 9 p.m. followed by a double lane closure at 10 p.m. All lanes reopen by 4:30 a.m. on weekdays. On Friday night, single lane closure only begins at 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. Saturday. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.

  • Exit 140 (Courthouse Road) to Exit 136 (Centreport Parkway): Monday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 139-138. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Exit 136 (Centreport Parkway) to Exit 133 (Falmouth/Warrenton): Monday – Thursday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 135-134. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Monday – Friday, 9 p.m. – 4:30 a.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 135-134. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Friday – Saturday, 10 p.m. – 7 a.m. Single lane closure at mile markers 135-134. Construction for 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension.
  • Exit 133 (Route 17) Off-Ramp Closure: Monday – Friday, Midnight – 3 a.m. I-95 southbound off-ramp to Route 17 northbound toward Warrenton will close each evening. Signs will guide drivers along the detour route.

City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County: Chatham Bridge (Route 3 Business): Tuesday – Wednesday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Single lane closures on the Chatham Bridge over the Rappahannock River, which carries Route 3 Business traffic between the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County. Routine, scheduled bridge inspection.

Spotsylvania County: Houser Drive Park and Ride Lot: Starting Monday, March 4, the Park and Ride commuter lot on Houser Drive, near the Route 208 (Courthouse Road) intersection, will be closed through Tuesday, March 19, weather permitting, for resurfacing of the lot and the painting of new pavement markings. To find an alternative Park and Ride lot location during the temporary closure, visit the VDOT Park and Ride interactive map.

  • Route 617 (Hams Ford Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Alternating one-way traffic between Morris Road and Ford Road for resurfacing.
  • Route 621 (Orange Plank Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Single lane closure between Route 3 and the Orange County line. Road shoulder repairs. One-way, alternating traffic.
  • Route 645 (Sunset Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Alternating one-way traffic between Morris Road and Hams Ford Road for resurfacing.
  • Route 655 (Ridge Road): Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Alternating one-way traffic between Courthouse Road and Hams Ford Road for resurfacing.
  • I-95 Southbound Exit 126 Off-Ramp and Route 1 Southbound: A second right turn lane is under construction from the I-95 southbound off-ramp at exit 126 onto Route 1 southbound. Route 1 southbound is being widened from the off-ramp to Southpoint Parkway with an additional turn lane. A second right turn lane is being added from Route 1 southbound to Southpoint Parkway. Traffic islands will be installed along Southpoint Parkway as a safety improvement to allow left turns into driveways but restrict through and left-turning traffic exiting from side streets. Additional right turn lane added to Southpoint Parkway to Route 1 southbound. Project completion in Aug. 2025.
  • Route 3 and Orange Plank Road: Utility relocation is underway ahead of construction to modify the intersection of Route 3 and Orange Plank Rd. to a new traffic pattern to enhance safety, improve traffic flow, and reduce conflict points. Project completion in spring 2024.
  • Route 17 (Mills Drive) Overpass Replacement and Widening: Construction started in Dec. 2020 to replace the existing two-lane interstate overpass on Route 17 with a four-lane bridge. Route 17 is being widened to four lanes until just east of the Hospital Boulevard/Germanna Point Drive intersection. A shared-use path, sidewalk, and pedestrian crossing equipment will be added as part of the project. Project completion was scheduled for late Feb. 2024. The project is now anticipated to be completed in May 2024.
  • Route 208 (Courthouse Road) and Hood Drive: Hood Drive is reduced to a single lane between Route 1 and Route 208 (Courthouse Road), carrying only northbound traffic. Southbound traffic should follow the posted detour along Courthouse Road and Route 1 southbound. New right and left turn lanes are under construction at an entrance to a future U.S. Veterans Health Administration outpatient clinic. Additional turn lanes will be built on northbound Hood Drive approaching Courthouse Road. A raised median on Hood Drive will separate northbound and southbound traffic between Courthouse Road and McGowan Drive. Additional sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian crossing equipment will be installed at the intersection. Project completion in July 2024.
  • Route 606 (Mudd Tavern Road) Widening: Mudd Tavern Road is being widened to four lanes between I-95 and Route 1. A new secondary access route, Route 2092, will be built parallel to Mudd Tavern Road, and will connect with South Roxbury Mill Road and Dan Bell Lane. Project completion in May 2025.

Stafford County: Route 1 Southbound: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Single lane closure between Little Forest Church Road and Woodstock Lane. Utility work under permit. This work will be underway at this location on weekdays through early April 2024.

  • Route 17 at Sanford Drive/South Gateway Drive: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Single lane closures at the intersection for construction of curb and median as part of the I-95 Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing.
  • Route 17 Northbound: Sunday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. – 6 a.m. Alternating single lane closures on Route 17 northbound between Short Street and Sanford Drive for construction for construction of curb and median, and installation of traffic signal equipment. Construction for the I-95 Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing.
  • Route 17 Southbound: Sunday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. – 7 a.m. Alternating single lane closures on Route 17 southbound between Short Street and Sanford Drive for construction of curb and median, and installation of traffic signal equipment. Construction for the I-95 Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing.
  • Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Guardrail repair. Single lane closure near the intersection with Route 734 (Eley Road).
  • Route 610 (Garrisonville Road) Westbound: Sunday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Alternating single lane closures on the Route 610 westbound bridge over I-95 for maintenance.
  • Route 616 (Poplar Road) OVERNIGHT DETOUR: Sunday – Thursday, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m. Poplar Road will close to through traffic overnight between Route 627 (Mountain View Road) and Route 648 (Stefaniga Road). Signs will guide motorists along the recommended detour route, which is Mountain View Road and Stefaniga Road. Drainage pipe replacement. Work has been scheduled weather permitting. Access to residential driveways along the closed sections of Poplar Road will be maintained at all times.
  • Route 626 (Leeland Road) over CSX Railroad: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Single lane closure on Leeland Road at the bridge over the CSX railroad, located just north of the Virginia Railway Express Leeland Road station entrance. One-way, alternating traffic for bridge maintenance.
  • Route 630 (Courthouse Road) Westbound: Monday – Thursday, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Single lane closure. Guardrail removal and installation near Rehoboth Drive intersection.

Virginia Department of Transportation


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