
Valentine’s Day is a great time for a heart-healthy gift

Your heart may belong to a certain someone this Valentine’s Day, but it is up to you to keep that loving heart in good shape.  February is American Heart Month and Valentine’s Day is a great time for a heart-healthy gift.

Patient First suggests treating your special someone to a gift that is heartfelt and good for the heart.  Express yourself with one of these gift ideas:

  1. Get cooking – Many restaurants offer heart-healthy menus but you have more control over what goes into your meal by cooking it yourself.  Give your loved one the gift of healthy cooking classes.  It is a great way to taste new food, learn something that will last a lifetime, and give you an excuse for a romantic candlelight dinner at home.
  2. A heart-healthy workout – Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and provides countless heart-health benefits, but it is not limited to a gym.  Does your Valentine like to go dancing?  How about a long, romantic walk?  Get out, get active, and get healthy.
  3. Massage – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that relaxation and stress relief are important for good heart health.  Massages are not only relaxing, they also stimulate circulation through the use of heat and pressure, thus helping rid the body of toxins.
  4. Sweet stuff – Does your loved one crave something sweet?  Try a beautiful fresh fruit basket instead of a box of candied sweets with added sugars.
  5. Kick the habit – Give up smoking for your loved one or help them kick the habit themselves.

Affairs of the heart are not limited to Valentine’s Day.  These steps will help you be a healthy valentine every day of the year:

  • Know your blood pressure.  Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke.
  • Keep your weight under control.  Obesity raises the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, and diabetes.
  • Know your cholesterol levels.  High cholesterol raises the risk of heart disease.
  • Reduce your salt intake.
  • Reduce stress to help lower your risk of heart disease.


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